hide random home screenshot http://beta.embnet.unibas.ch/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

EMBnet Switzerland WWW EMBnet Switzerland: Biocomputing, Biozentrum der Universitaet Basel

  • SRS Search server [EMBnet Switzerland]
  • Biology and WWW at this node [EMBnet Switzerland]
  • Local information: Basel University
  • European issues
  • access information to this server
  • !!!!! POSITION AVAILABLE !!!!!.

  • * Information on this Site:

    * Information on Basel University

    *Additional Servers most useful to Biologists

    *European Information

  • If you feel that a link is missing or if you want to contribute otherwise you may use the FORMS-based feedback form .

    Network Access to EMBnet Switzerland

    Anonymous FTP Access:

                              Host: bioftp.unibas.ch []
                            UserID: anonymous
                          Password: your e-mail address 
                          Contents: software and data for collaborators

    Big data arechives at:

                              Host: nic.switch.ch []
                            UserID: anonymous
                          Password: your e-mail address 
                          Contents: all databases and information 
                                    of EMBnet Switzerland 

    GOPHER Access:

                              Host: bioftp.unibas.ch []
                              Port: 70
                          Contents: information and WAIS archive for
                                    EMBL database and daily updates 

    WWW Access:

                              Host: beta.embnet.unibas.ch []
                              Host: www.ch.embnet.org []
                               URL: http://beta.embnet.unibas.ch/
                          Contents: EMBnet and Biozentrum information

    NEWS hierarchies: (feed upon request to swiss sites):

    		          bionet, EMBnet, comp, news, sci, unibas

    HASSLE Access (search and retrieval engines):

                              Host: biox.embnet.unibas.ch []
                              Host: hassle3.embnet.unibas.ch []
                              Host: hassle4.embnet.unibas.ch []
                              Host: bioa.embnet.unibas.ch []
    		       Account: EMBNET [location] after registration
    		       Account: GUEST DEMO before registration
                          Services: BLAST,FASTA,FETCH



    Electronic Mail: info@ch.embnet.org

    Phone: +41 61 267 2247

    Fax: +41 61 267 2078

    Klingelbergstrasse 70; CH 4046 Basel SWITZERLAND

    Last update: 25-nov-1994. Wusage statistics are available for campus statistics purposes (restricted access).