ViewKit Library Technical Report

Doug Young
Silicon Graphics
Draft: 8/18/93


This paper describes the ViewKit library, a C++ application framework designed to simplify the task of developing applications based on the OSF/Motif`user interface toolkit. The ViewKit framework promotes consistency by providing a common architecture for applications and improves programmer productivity by providing high-level, and in many cases automatic, support for commonly-needed operations. In addition to providing facilities normally associated with a graphical user interface, the framework serves as a central integration platform for other facilities applications typically need. These include support for inter-application communication, the use of audio as an integral part of the application's user interface, integration with the Silicon Graphics desktop, and automatic on-line context-sensitive help. The ViewKit framework is currently in wide use within SGI and serves as the basis of all CASEVision` software development products, the IRIS InSight` on-line documentation product, as well as other upcoming SGI software products. This paper is divided into the following sections: