Silicon Graphics(R) powerful workstations and servers
offer versatile performance options for a variety of needs.
From the Indy(TM) workstation, which costs no more than a high-end
Macintosh(TM) computer, to the Indigo2(TM) system, the world's most
powerful desktop computer, Silicon Graphics broad range of technology
meets every computing requirement--from single user to enterprise wide.
And Silicon Graphics' compatible family of CHALLENGE(TM) network
resource servers provides flexibility you can count on as your needs
change and your operation grows. All Silicon Graphics systems easily
integrate into environments with PCs and Macs.
CHALLENGE S is the ideal server for small to
medium size workgroups requiring a fast, affordable,
simple and highly dependable system that supports utility
applications, shared storage, a variety of networking applications,
information management and backup for shared data. CHALLENGE S provides
scalability and expeditious storage and retrieval that add to its value.
Indeed, looking at the features of the CHALLENGE S machine, you'd never
guess that it's the lowest cost network resource server in the CHALLENGE
family, with the best I/0 price performance of any system in its class.