Magazine Rack
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articles in CADalyst,
Featured Solution: Indy in Publishing
Color publishing is an industry in transformation -- moving from analog to
digital, and from proprietary to open systems. Silicon Graphics technology
is driving much of that change.
Check out Power for Print to learn how today's
leaders in imaging are using Indy. Or get the simple facts in
10 Reasons to Buy Indy for Publishing.
Other Features
- Music:
Internet Underground Music Archive: the
Web server for the music industry! A story about how
Silicon Graphics helps define the future of music distribution.
- Education: How Centennial College is using
Indys to educate content creators for the information highway.
- Digital Film and Video: How Sony Pictures Imageworks is using Indys to
redefine the movie industry.
- Video Game Authoring: How Crystal Dynamics is using Indys to
create a 3D gecko for their new video game.
- Electronic Publishing: How Wired Magazine is using Indys to create a new medium.