Previous chapter Section 2 Indy Configurations

Section 2 Indy Configurations

Indy was designed to be easy to set up, easy to use, easy to maintain, and easy to upgrade. Its small footprint and sturdy construction allows it to be placed beneath a large monitor to save desk space. The various components that make up the Indy system have all been designed to get the user up and running quickly and yet provide the necessary flexibility:

Indy is available in several different configurations. A typical entry configuration is outlined below.

System Unit

The system unit includes:


On the back of the system unit are a number of industry-standard ports:

Input Devices

Indy comes with the following input devices:


The following monitors are available:

- RGB monitor
- 1024 x 768 resolution
- 70 Hz refresh rate
- multiscan RGB monitor
- 1280 x 1024 resolution
- up to 76 Hz refresh rate
- multiscan RGB monitor
- 1280 x 1024 resolution
- up to 76 Hz refresh rate

2.1 Optional Peripherals

Indy has optional internal devices in the 3.5-inch thin (1.0-inch) format as well as many optional Silicon Graphics and third party external peripherals.

2.1.1 Internal Devices

Hard Drives

Floptical Drives

2.1.2 External Devices

Storage Devices

CD-ROM Drive

Input Devices

2.2 GIO32-bis Expansion Slot Options

Indy provides two GIO32-bis expansion slots for optional video, network, and 3rd party option cards. Table 1 outlines some of the many option cards available now or expected in the near future.

Option Card                                       Width   Manufacturer         
Indy Video(tm)                                    single  Silicon Graphics     
(see Section 6 or the Silicon Studio                                
Technical Report for information)                                              
Cosmo Compress(tm)                                single  Silicon Graphics     
(see the Silicon Studio Technical Report for                                   
Cindy Video Adaptor                               double  Chyron Corporation(r)   
Oscon Adaptor                                     single  Photron(r)              
FDDI                                              double  Silicon Graphics     
ATM                                               single  Fore Systems         
Token Ring                                        single  Silicon Graphics     
Sync Serial for X.25 and SNA                      single  Silicon Graphics     
additional Fast SCSI-II disk controller           single  Silicon Graphics     
IVAS VTR control                                  single  Lyon-Lamb(r)            
additional Ethernet controller                    single  Silicon Graphics     
TABLE 1 Indy GIO32-bis expansion card options.

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