SyQuest removable hard disk drives and cartridges are the world standard for graphics and imaging file interchange. SyQuest drives and cartridges - based on proven hard drive technologies - deliver all the benefits of hard disks; speed. reliability at a low cost. Now SGI OS 5.2 supports removable disk drives as well as Mac and PC file exchange. So your SyQuest cartridges and the other six million SyQuest cartridges in the market can interfaced to your Silicon Graphics workstation including access to thousands of imaging service bureaus around the world. his is now available with the new SGI Series 88MB, 105, and 270MB removable cartridge by SyQuest Technology.
Tom Clements
Director, New Business Development SyQuest Technology 47071 Bayside Parkway Fremont, CA 94538-6517 USA 510-226-4062 fax:510-226-4102