Help topics are listed below, arranged in the order that they first appear in HotWired. You can read help directly from this list, or click the Help button in a specific section and link directly to topics that relate to that section. If a topic refers to more than one section, subsequent references will link back to the original topic.
A keyword search will be available as soon as we build it.
- How do I use HotWired?
Cruising the Web
- Where can I get more information about HTML, browsers, and the World Wide Web?
- What do I do if my images don't display?
- What if I'm not using a graphical browser?
- How can I change text size, styles, and colors?
HotWired Membership
- How do I get into HotWired?
- How many memberships can I have?
- What does membership include?
- How should I choose a username?
- What if the username I choose is already taken?
- What if I want to change my username/email address?
- What if I forget my password?
- What is user verification?
- Can I still use HotWired if I haven't verified my account?
Getting Around
- How do I get to a new section?
- How do I go back to a previous section?
- What are those buttons at the bottom of my screen?
- What do I do if my images don't display?
- What if I'm not using a graphical browser?
- How can I change text styles and colors?
- Why won't movies/sounds play on my computer?
- Why can't I reach USENET?
- Are there any known HotWired bugs?
- How do I report suspected HotWired bugs?
- What is Signal?
Eye Witness
- What is Eye Witness?
- What is Piazza?
- What are Threads?
- Where can I find Threads?
- What are links?
- How do I add a link?
- What are posts?
- How can I see posts in a Thread?
- How can I send email to somebody about their post?
- How can I add a post?
- How can I suggest a new topic?
Rants & Raves
- What are Rants & Raves?
Club Wired
- What is Club Wired?
- How do I get into Club Wired?
- What do I do once I'm in there?
- How do I ask a question of a guest speaker?
- What if I can't get into Club Wired?
- How can I get more information on telnet?
- What is HotMOO?
- What do I do if I can't get into HotMOO?
Renaissance 2.0
- What is Renaissance 2.0?
- What is Coin?
Classified Ads
- How do I read classified ads?
- How do I respond to a classified?
- How do I place a classified?
- How long will my classified run?
- How do I remove my classified?
Wired Ware & Subscription Orders
- How do I fill out an order form?
- What if I want to cancel my order after I've submitted it?
- How do I use the Library?
- Can I search for a specific topic in the library?