Home Page of Tilmann Brotz
Tilmann M. Brotz
Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratorium der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Spemannstr. 37-39, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
phone:+49-7071-601-842 fax:+49-7071-601-455
Welcome to my home page on this WWW-server. If you have any comments or suggestions to improve this server
feel free to send me a message through this form
Tilmann's CV:
- Born on October 6, 1964
- Maried, 3 children
- Undergraduate training at the Universtity of Tuebingen , Germany and the
University of Sao Paulo @ Ribeirao Preto, Brazil in Zoophysiology, Parasitology, Biochemistry, Genetics
and Entomology.
- Graduated in Biology from the University of Tuebingen with a thesis on "A new
in vitro preparation of the fly brain" suitable for pharmacological and electrophysiological studies
The thesis has been prepared in the lab of Alexander Borst at the
Max Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen.
- Recently I finished my dissertation on the "Pharmacology of fly visual interneurons" in the
group of Alexander Borst at the Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory. Actually I continue to work here in the lab as a postdoc.
Download an electronic copy of my dissertation.
Document last modified 26. July 1995
Tilmann Brotz, brotz@sunwan.mpik-tueb.mpg.de