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Our Clients

Here is a selection of some of Results Direct's Internet clients. Consider the possibilities for your own presentation after exploring the offerings of these fine organizations.

Greater Washington Society of Association Executives

The Greater Washington Society of Association Executives (GWSAE) is the country's largest regional association for association executives.

This presentation contains up-to-date information for GWSAE members, a searchable member directory, online surveys, online event registration, and current job openings in association management. It is an excellent example of how an association can utilize the Internet to provide benefits to members.

Greater Tucson Economic Council

The Greater Tucson Economic Council's Internet Web site includes comprehensive and up-to-date information about moving your business to Greater Tucson, Arizona, as well as doing business with the hundreds of high-tech companies in Southern Arizona.

This presentation is one of the first on the Web to promote city economic development. It features a searchable Business Directory of Greater Tucson, Arizona businesses. From the Directory listings, visitors can link directly to Tucson companies' e-mail and Web presentations.

University Medical CenterNEW!

University Medical Center is an independent, non-profit 365-bed hospital affiliated with the University of Arizona College of Medicine at the Arizona Health Sciences Center.

This presentation features facility description, primary and basic care information, physician profiles, technically advanced care information (organ transplantation), Stereotactic surgery procedure information, maps and location of offices, and community health resources.

Opto Power CorporationNEW!

Opto Power Corporation is a premier manufacturer of high-power GaAIAs diode-laser arrays and related systems for medical, industrial and graphics applications.

This presentation features product information about the company's high-power diode lasers, fiber-coupled diode lasers, integrated diode laser units, microprocessor-controlled diode laser units, and related accessories. The presentation also includes corporate information, a customer support forum, and technical application notes.

GlobeTech International

GlobeTech International is an equipment remanufacturer and distributor in the field of Automatic Test Equipment, serving electronics and semiconductor manufacturers worldwide. They serve this market in three ways: reconditioned systems and parts, products that extend the life of existing ATE systems, and services that include system repair, training, and custom engineering.

This presentation has an interesting feature: an equipment brokerage system that is updated regularly. Results Direct provides the interactivity and design for this novel approach to buying and selling equipment on the Web.

Santa Cruz Valley Orchards

Santa Cruz Valley Orchards is the largest irrigated pecan orchard in the world.

This presentation offers information on Santa Cruz Valley Orchards and its high quality pecans. Also included are tempting pecan gifts for order, delicious pecan recipes and a free sample offer.

Wettstein/Bolchalk Marketing

Wettstein/Bolchalk Marketing is a full-service marketing, advertising and public relations firm in Tucson, Arizona.

This presentation includes an online "slide show" to highlight Wettstein/Bolchalk's services and experience.

Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.NEW!

Piedmont Natural Gas Company is an energy and services company primarily engaged in the transportation and sale of natural gas and propane.

This presentation includes shareholder information about Piedmont Natural Gas Company, including an up-to-date stock quote.

Her House: a Project of D.C. Habitat for HumanityNEW!

This presentation was donated to the Habitat for Humanity project. Her House is an organization based in Washington, D.C. dedicated to providing housing for lower income families.

This presentation includes information about issues related to homelessness and Habitat for Humanity.

Coming Attractions:

StarNet's El MercadoNEW!


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