HAPEX SAHEL Information System
A joint project between LERTS, ORSTOM and CNES
HAPEX-Sahel was funded by a wide range of agencies in seven participating countries. Over 200 scientists visited and worked in the field site. An interdisciplinary approach has been adopted with contributed studies in hydrology and soil moisture, surface fluxes and vegetation, remote sensing science, and meteorology and mesoscale modelling. A longer description of the experience may be readen in What is HAPEX ?.
An information system (HSIS) has been established to provide a data base to diseminate the measurements. A Data Policy rules the data dissemination. Everybody can consult the data base catalog, but only the official investigators can take the data. To be identified, investigators have to fill the Registration Form.
At a first time, you can consult the list of Spot images or the Keyword Index.
HAPEX SAHEL Information System - c/o CESBIO - BP 2801 - 31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX - FRANCE - Tel : +33 - Fax : +33 to home
This page was updated September 29, 1995 by T.Valero & J.C.Meunier.
© Copyright 1995 HAPEX SAHEL Information System