HAPEX SAHEL Information System
A joint project between LERTS, ORSTOM and CNES
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List of Keywords
Click on a keyword to see the tables associated with this keyword.
Then click on the name of the investigator, or on the name of the table.
List of Keywords and Tables
- ATSP_DAT (from Michael SPANNER ) : This table contains aerosol optical properties measured from Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer (ATSP).
- AVHRR_91_EXTRACT (from Yann KERR ) : This table contains site radiance, reflectance, and temperature statistics derived from respective level-1 HAPEX SAHEL IS satellite image products (with atmospherical correction).
- AVHRR_92_EXTRACT (from Yann KERR ) : This table contains site radiance, reflectance, and temperature statistics derived from respective level-1 HAPEX SAHEL IS satellite image products (with atmospherical correction).
- Absorption
- Active Radiation
- IPAR_DAT (from Begue) : This Table contains calculated PAR interception of the HAPEX-Sahel sites.
- Aerosol
- Agrhymet
- Air Temperature
- Airmass
- Albedo spectres
- Andropogon
- Aspirated air temperature
- Aspirated wet buld temperature
- Atmospheric fluxes
- Atmospheric measures
- Biomass
- Bowen Ratio
- Brighness Temperature
- Brightness Temperatures
- Brillance temperature
- Bush Height
- CO2 Flux
- Calibration
- Chemical Analysis
- WATER_CHEMICAL_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the result of chemical analyses related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- Chrozophora
- Cloud
- Combretum
- Component Reflectance
- Correlation
- Cowpea
- Diffuse Radiation
- Dry temperature
- FUB_TFMAS_DAT (from Lutz LESCH ) : This Table contains dry and wet bulb temperature from mast over the degraded falow bush.WCSS subsite d.
- ERS-1
- ERS_WSC_DAT (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the pixels values for ERS.WSC.FDC product (Windscatterometer)
- ERS_WSC_INV (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the inventory of ERS_WSC_DAT ( ERS Wind Scatterometer data ).
- ERS1
- ERS_94_DAT (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the pixels values for ERS.WSC.FDC product (Windscatterometer)
- ERS_94_INV (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the inventory of ERS_WSC_DAT ( ERS Wind Scatterometer data ).
- Eddy correlation
- READING_CORR_DAT (from George DUGDALE ) : This Table contains the mean and correlation values correspanding to the heat fluxes on the fallow site over the SSS by Reading University.
- Emissivity
- AVHRR_EMISSIVITY_INV (from C‚sar COLL ) : This Table contains the Inventory of emissivity and temperatures maps constructed from the AVHRR data on 25th Sep 1991.
- GSTS_EMISSIV_DAT (from J.C. PION ) : This Table contains the emissivity data collected by the GSTS
- GSTS_RAD_2_DAT (from J.C. PION ) : This Table contains data relative to the Transect in the Spectral Band ( 10.5 - 12.5 micro m ) .
- Energy fluxes
- FUB_BOWEN_DAT (from Lutz LESCH ) : This table contains energy fluxes from Campbell Bowen system. ( Energy budget measurements over grassland and millet).
- FUB_FLUX_CORR_DAT (from Lutz LESCH ) : This Table contains the Eddy correlation fluxes over the degraddedflow bush.
- Evaporation
- Fluxes
- Global Radiation
- Ground Heat Flux
- Groundwater Chemistry
- PIEZOMETRIC_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the data collected during the piezometric measurements campaigns related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- PIEZOMETRIC_SUM (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the summary of piezometric_dat table.
- WATER_CHEMICAL_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the result of chemical analyses related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- Groundwater Conductivity
- PIEZOMETRIC_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the data collected during the piezometric measurements campaigns related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- Groundwater Level
- Groundwater Temperature
- PIEZOMETRIC_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the data collected during the piezometric measurements campaigns related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- Groundwater chemistry
- Groundwater pH
- PIEZOMETRIC_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the data collected during the piezometric measurements campaigns related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- WATER_CHEMICAL_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the result of chemical analyses related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- Grounwater level
- Guiera
- GSTS_RAD_DAT (from J.C. PION ) : This Table contains data relative to Visible and Near Infra Red from GSTS .
- Herb
- Humidity
- Hydrology
- IPAR_DAT (from Begue) : This Table contains calculated PAR interception of the HAPEX-Sahel sites.
- Images
- Incident Radiation
- Incoming longwave radiation
- Incoming shortwave radiation
- Infra Red Thermometer
- Inventory
- Irradiance
- GSTS_RAD_2_DAT (from J.C. PION ) : This Table contains data relative to the Transect in the Spectral Band ( 10.5 - 12.5 micro m ) .
- Landsat
- Latent Heat Flux
- Leaf Composition
- Leaf-Scale Reflectance
- Leaf-Scale Transmittance
- AVHRR_91_EXTRACT (from Yann KERR ) : This table contains site radiance, reflectance, and temperature statistics derived from respective level-1 HAPEX SAHEL IS satellite image products (with atmospherical correction).
- AVHRR_92_EXTRACT (from Yann KERR ) : This table contains site radiance, reflectance, and temperature statistics derived from respective level-1 HAPEX SAHEL IS satellite image products (with atmospherical correction).
- Mark V
- Meteosat
- Microwave
- Millet
- Net Radiation
- Neutron Probe
- Optical Thickness
- Orstom
- Photometer
- Piezometric Measurement
- PIEZOMETRIC_DAT (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the data collected during the piezometric measurements campaigns related to the continental terminal3 water table on the hapex square degree north of the niger river.
- PIEZOMETRIC_SUM (from Christian LEDUC ) : This Table contains the summary of piezometric_dat table.
- Piper Saratoga
- PIPER_SARATOGA_DAT (from Niall P. HANAN ) : This Table contains measurements of surface reflectances in the visible and near infrared and surface temperature of the HAPEX-Sahel subsites from a low altitude light aircraft.
- Plant Water Content
- Polarization Rate
- Porometer
- Potential Temperature
- Pressure
- Profile temperatures
- Radiometric temperature
- Radiosounding
- Rainfall
- Rainfall chemistry
- Rayleigh
- Reflectance
- Reflected solar
- Remote Sensing
- AVHRR_91_EXTRACT (from Yann KERR ) : This table contains site radiance, reflectance, and temperature statistics derived from respective level-1 HAPEX SAHEL IS satellite image products (with atmospherical correction).
- ERS_WSC_DAT (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the pixels values for ERS.WSC.FDC product (Windscatterometer)
- ERS_WSC_INV (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the inventory of ERS_WSC_DAT ( ERS Wind Scatterometer data ).
- Roughness
- Runoff
- SOIL Temperature
- Sap Flow
- Sensible Heat Flux
- Sigma-T Method.
- READING_SIGT_DAT (from George DUGDALE ) : This Table contains temperature and heat flux data measured and derived by sigma method. Reading University.
- Soil Heat Flux
- Soil Map
- Soil Moisture
- Soil Moisture TDR
- Soil Structure
- Soil Temperature
- Soil Water Content
- Soil suction
- Soil temperature
- READING_SOIL_TEMP (from George DUGDALE ) : This Table contains the soil temperatures data, mesured at depths between -0.5cm and -60.0cm by reading university.
- Species
- Stomatal Resistance
- Stream Flow
- Surface Flux
- TIGER_HYD_IHWAL (from C.R. LLOYD ) : This Table contains surface flux data by Institute of hydrology.Eddy correlation system.Super site Tiger Bush site.
- Surface Temperature
- AVHRR_91_EXTRACT (from Yann KERR ) : This table contains site radiance, reflectance, and temperature statistics derived from respective level-1 HAPEX SAHEL IS satellite image products (with atmospherical correction).
- PIPER_SARATOGA_DAT (from Niall P. HANAN ) : This Table contains measurements of surface reflectances in the visible and near infrared and surface temperature of the HAPEX-Sahel subsites from a low altitude light aircraft.
- SARATOGA_DAT (from Niall P. HANAN ) : This Table contains measurements of surface reflectances in the visible and near infrared and surface temperature of the HAPEX-Sahel subsites from a low altitude light aircraft.
- WA_RADIATION_DAT (from Henk A.R. DE BRUIN ) : This Table contains Radiation data.
- Surface flux
- MILLET_HYD_IHWAL (from C.R. LLOYD ) : This Table contains surface flux data by Institute of hydrology.Eddy correlation system.Super site Millet site.
- Surface temperature
- TM
- Temperature
- ARAT_MERL_FSA_DAT (from Frederique SAID ) : This Table contains the ARAT and MERLIN measurments of surface fluxes and fluxes through the whole depth of the boundary layer.
- AVHRR_92_EXTRACT (from Yann KERR ) : This table contains site radiance, reflectance, and temperature statistics derived from respective level-1 HAPEX SAHEL IS satellite image products (with atmospherical correction).
- RAD_READING_DAT (from George DUGDALE ) : This Table contains radiations data from University Of Reading.
- Transect
- Transpiration
- Vapor Content
- Vapor content
- Vegetation Cover
- Vegetation Density
- Vegetation Structure
- Water Content
- Water Level
- Water Potential
- Water Vapor Content
- Water Vapor Pressure
- Water Vapor content
- Water infiltration
- SOIL_SURF_TRIMS_DAT (from Michel VAUCLIN ) : This Table contains Soil Surface TRIMS (Triple Ring Infiltrometer at multiple Sections) infiltration tests , Central Site East.
- Water vapor
- ARAT_MERL_FSA_DAT (from Frederique SAID ) : This Table contains the ARAT and MERLIN measurments of surface fluxes and fluxes through the whole depth of the boundary layer.
- Wet Bulb Temperature
- Wet bulb temperature
- FUB_TFMAS_DAT (from Lutz LESCH ) : This Table contains dry and wet bulb temperature from mast over the degraded falow bush.WCSS subsite d.
- Wind Direction
- Wind Scaterometer
- ERS_94_DAT (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the pixels values for ERS.WSC.FDC product (Windscatterometer)
- Wind Speed
- Wind Velocitie
- ARAT_MERL_FSA_DAT (from Frederique SAID ) : This Table contains the ARAT and MERLIN measurments of surface fluxes and fluxes through the whole depth of the boundary layer.
- Windscatterometer
- ERS_94_INV (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the inventory of ERS_WSC_DAT ( ERS Wind Scatterometer data ).
- ERS_WSC_DAT (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the pixels values for ERS.WSC.FDC product (Windscatterometer)
- ERS_WSC_INV (from Yann KERR ) : This Table contains the inventory of ERS_WSC_DAT ( ERS Wind Scatterometer data ).
- flux
- FUB_BOWEN_DAT (from Lutz LESCH ) : This table contains energy fluxes from Campbell Bowen system. ( Energy budget measurements over grassland and millet).
- radiance
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