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    Case Study: A Hike and a Hydrant
    Who Better To Describe Your Business Than You?

    You see where you want your business to go. With Microsoft Publisher for Windows 95, you have the tools to get there. From creating business cards to laying out flyers, Publisher can guide you easily through all of the steps.

    Take a walk through Central Park on any given morning, and you'll probably come across a man and his pack. They're actually pretty hard to miss. After all, there's not many among us who would venture to take a stroll with almost a dozen dogs at once. Especially when some of them are wearing sweaters.

    But for Dick LeBlond, owner of A Hike And A Hydrant, this is just business as usual.

    Hike graphicThe way he sees it, the only way to teach an old dog new tricks is to simply take it one step at a time. So when he recently decided it was time to give his business a new look, it came as no surprise that he chose Publisher to do it.

    "I am no expert", confessed Dick.

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    Hike graphicBut after a few minutes using Publisher, he'd already created a business card. First-Time Help made it easy to get started by introducing new features and offering quick demos. Helpful Page WizardTM design assistants easily guided him through the process step-by-step. Setting up the page. Selecting a style. An entire gallery full of coordinated design elements made it simple to start creating. And if he had any doubts, online assistance was always available to walk him through each task, right alongside his document. On-screen tips even appeared at points along the way to give hints about more efficient ways to work.

    And soon, Dick had found that creating professional-quality materials was going to be the easy part of his job. Much easier than fitting a Great Dane into a sweater.

    For another example of how a small business has used Microsoft Publisher for Windows 95 to create a great image easily, see Fuzzy Wuzzy Rug Company.


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