An International Ophthalmology Symposium
Japanese Homepage is HERE
Based on opinions from all parts of the world, the 100th General Assembly of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society will hold an international symposium in Kyoto next spring, 1996.
The subject of this symposium is , which is a surgery to cure shortsightedness or astigmatism.
We would like you to cooperate with the symposium through filling in our questionnaire.
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>The 100th General Assembly of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society and The Summary of an International Symposium
>Department of Ophthalmology, Mie University
>Mie University School of Medicine
Based on the answers to the questionnaire, we will adopt some of your opinions as topics for our discussion. We will not accept your answers by INTERNET on the day of this assembly.
We will not use INTERNET on that day but after this symposium we will inform you about the statistical result of the questionnaire for a fixed period of time through INTERNET.
Greetings to all INTERNET Browsers
The change of seasons in Japan brings us the beautiful vistas and plentiful tastes.
I have opened this homepage in the biginning of winter, but it will be almost the
end of spring next year when I hold a symposium and lead a discussion based
on the opinions which I hope you will send to me by INTERNET.
Having a long history and tradition, the Japanese Ophthalmological Society will
celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding next year in May. As a special
project for this memorable assembly, I will conduct an international symposium
using INTERNET. The subject will be a matter of worldwide recent concern,
"Refractive Surgery".
To carry out this project, through INTERNET, I would like to hear your opinion
about the subject of refractive surgery. It does not matter whether you are an
ophthalmic specialist or not. I will be happy to hear opinions from medical specialists in other fields, or from those who suffer from shortsightedness
(myopia) or astigmatism. I hope to gather opinions from ophthalmologists in all the countries of the world.
Then, I plan to introduce some of the opinions you
send me as topics for discussion at the General Assembly.
I hope that you will be enthusiastic about this international project of great
current concern and that many of you will send your opinions to me.
Yours faithfully,
Kanjiro Masuda, M.D., Professor and Chairman of Department of
Ophthalmology, University of Tokyo School of Medicine,
President, the 100th General Assembly of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society
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