I'm a positive role model,

1 august 1995

I provide a positive model for obscene publishers. I put sexuality in context, by talking about eating disorders when I mention the Penthouse page, or explaining how I contracted an STD after unprotected sex.
I provide an example of viable, healthy online sexuality. I don't run a porn archive, I'm shootin' from the hip on the funky stuff. I'm not makin' money off this, I'm writin' cuz I love it. Sex is part of what I love about life, so I see no reason to leave it off my web site.
Should it come to that, I think my web site would be a good test of online decency laws. In light of proposed legislation some of what I write would be considered obscene, but I will stand by my moral duty to be honest about my life.

I stand by my duty to be honest about my life.

I mean jeez, it's just sex.

Kids are hella more likely to listen to me talk sex than they are to Exon.

I think my original sexual content is healthy. I don't see any reason that kids should be protected from it.

I am twenty years old; kids are hella more likely to listen to me talk sex than they are to Exon, especially if I am being honest.

If I am smart, and experienced, and mature, I might even do some good with all of this.

There is much out of context sexuality. That's one of the reasons I hate SurfWatch; they force all sexual content into its own ghetto. If I segregate the sex in my site, then I am telling folks that sex is to be found on pornographic pages, nowhere else.

Harlequin Romance novels are considered acceptable because the sex is few and far between emotional wrangling. It does not warp brains to read about sex in the context of a relationship.

I see myself the same way. Perhaps the sex is closer to the surface, but again, I'm a twenty year old male. That tends to be the way we think.

I don't see why I should protect kids from honesty, sexual or otherwise, I think they need to be exposed to more of it.

Links from the Underground offers a positive personal example:
be honest, and open, and do it because you love it.

I have two different types of sex pages. One is a survey of sex on the net. While the resources I point to may not be so, my voice is balanced and healthy. I warn people what is in store, and give them the other perspective.

People are going to find sex sites.
I would prefer they find them with my grain of salt.

In addition, I publish fiction and non that is "sexually explicit."

I have written about my former girlfriend and amongst tales of our disharmony is interspliced a few specific sexual episodes. The sex stuff serves to flesh out the narrative. Publishing a non-sexual account of the relationship would be false.
I have a story up, the Courting of Miss Tate, that I wrote back in high school. It is the rantings of a lonely young man. Fantasizing and masturbation are mentioned. Again, this is realism. Lonely young men think about sex and masturbate and fantasize a lot. If you read the entire peice, you see that I am not glorifying the life of a lonely masturbator, quite the opposite.

if these issues are on their minds, I would rather folks bring them out in the open than sit around and feel dirty.

I have an advice page where I answer people's relationship queries. Many of these are about sex, relationship and sexual conundrums. If these issues are on their minds, I would rather folks bring them out into the open, and get a dose of my self-proclaimed healthy attitude, than sit around and feel dirty.
Reading about sexual problems and proposed solutions is not dangerous to the moral fibre of netsurfers. Quite the opposite, it encourages laughter and discussion of issues that otherwise people have a hard time with.

That is nothing but healthy.

Online porn archives are another story. Like the corner porn store, they exemplify the screwed up sexuality of our culture. I firmly believe that if people were permitted open channels of sexual communication, we wouldn't have 700,000 horny geeks dialing daily into Playboy for their bizarre, alienating sense of the erotic.

Concetrated, commercial sex is warped; it scares us, takes control of us, exploits us, alienates us. Concentrated sex is what we get when we prevent sexual integration.

The Internet could open some minds, and free some souls. People who think they're weird can find out they're not, and lead happier lives for it; unless we decide they're deviant and dangerous and drive their voices underground. In that case, we will continue to alienate our sexuality. Even moreso, when a computer will be checking to see if we are violating taboos.

Offline, there is not enough frank and healthy dialogue over sexuality. This potential exists online. Freeing up our neurosis over bodily functions and basic instincts would do a world of good for our culture.

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Justin's Links from the Underground / www.justin.org
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <justin@cyborgasmic.com>