Multimedia Archives

These are links to large repositories of sound, pictures and animation files available on the internet. You need multimedia viewers in order to hear the sounds, see the pictures or view the animation.


The prevailing sound format on the internet is the Sun AU format. The CWI Audio File Formats Guide is available.


GIF and JPEG formats are most frequently used on the internet. An FAQ on Graphics File Formats is available.


The Moving Picture Expert Group format is commonly used for animation. A MPEG FAQ is available.

Multimedia Information

* Virtual Reality
This is a collection of links to virtual reality resources on the internet.
* MIDI Home Page
MIDI information with links to other MIDI information sources on the web.
* Desktop Videoconferencing Products
This is a comparison list of desktop videoconferencing products based on several key features.
* Index to Multimedia Information Sources
This index maintained by Simon Gibbs lists FAQs, software, archives, specifications, etc - all about multimedia.
* MICE Multimedia Index
This is an index to information relating to multimedia conferencing.
* Guide to Film and Video Resources on the Internet
This guide from the University of Michigan contains links to film and video resources intended to people with academic, popular and production interests in film.
* Real Time Video Demo from MIT
Demonstrations of real time video using the VuSystem applications and VuNet hardware developed at MIT.
* Web Wide World of Music
This is an index of links to music resources - bands, music sites, trivia - on the internet

Multimedia Exhibits

* Online Museum of Singapore Art and History
This web site contains many pictures of historic Singapore and revisits selected events, sights and sounds that made Singapore.
* Art History
Over 10,000 images and a full length book about art history from the Australian National University.
* Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion
Get an electronic sampler of this museum's permanent collection. Works of art range from the fourth millennium B.C. to the present.
* National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts
All about this museum in Paris. You'll find here a virtual museum of technology (most pictures and texts in French).
* NCSA Digital Gallery (CD-ROM product)
Contains a wide range of NCSA scientific software for various platforms and lots of images and animation sequences.
Check out Le WebLouvre - an on-line art museum on the web available on this server.
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