The ExPASy Molecular Biology Server

List of documents concerning molecular biology oriented services, software, email servers, FTP sites, etc.

Name : listdoc.txt Version: 3.41 / October 13, 1995 Concern: List of documents concerning molecular biology oriented services, software, email servers, FTP sites, etc. Author : Amos Bairoch / Dept. Medical Biochemistry University of Geneva / Switzerland Email to:
All the documents listed below are available: - By anonymous FTP from: ( In the directory: /databases/info - By the World-Wide Web (WWW) from the ExPASy molecular biology server The URL for ExPASy is: - On the PC/Gene data banks CD-ROM disk 2 in the directory: \OTHERS\INFO

General information documents or documents describing specific organizations

serv_ftp .txt  List of molecular biology FTP servers for databases and software
serv_ema .txt  List of molecular biology email servers
serv_bbo .txt  List of bulletin boards services for molecular biologists
atcc     .txt  Internet access to catalog data at ATCC
biobit25 .txt  Bio-Naut newsletter 25-1-95
biosci_e .txt  BIOSCI electronic newsgroup network (European info sheet)
biosci_u .txt  BIOSCI electronic newsgroup network (US/Pacific info sheet)
biotechn .txt  BioTechNET; global computer network for research biologists
ebi      .txt  European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) press releases
embnet1  .txt  EMBnet: European Molecular Biology Data Network (1990)
embnet2  .txt  The nodes of EMBnet by R. Doelz (Release 0.9 of fall 1993) 
embnet92 .txt  Article about the EMBnet Project by R. Doelz
embnet_f .txt  Status of the French EMBnet node (September 1994)
embnnews .txt  Information about the EMBnet News newsletter
faq_bio  .txt  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about BIOSCI/bionet
faq_meth .txt  Frequently Asked Questions for bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts
icgeb    .txt  Int. Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
ig_prod  .txt  Summary of IntelliGenetics software and services
interbio .txt  Una Smith Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources
msdn     .txt  Services provided by the Microbial Strain Data Network (MSDN)
ncbi     .txt  Goals of the National Center for Biotechnology Informat. (NCBI)
nir      .txt  Network information retrieval (NIR), a summary
yeast_em .txt  Yeast researchers Email address list

Documents describing databases

biocatal .dba  BioCatalog
buaddres .dba  BIOSCI User Address Database
cpgisle  .dba  CpG Islands Database
dbest    .dba  dbEST - a public database of "expressed sequence tags"
ddbj     .dba  Brief Outline of DDBJ (DNA Data Bank of Japan)
ecocyc   .dba  EcoCyc; the encyclopedia of E. coli genes and metabolism
embl     .dba  EMBL Data Library Products and Services
gcrdb    .dba  GCRDb (G Protein Coupled Receptor database)
gdbomim  .dba  GDB (Genome d.b.) & OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man)
genbank  .dba  List of GenBank services
hybridom .dba  Hybridoma Data Bank (HDB)
hovergen .dba  Homologous Vertebrate Genes Data Base
imgt     .dba  ImMunoGeneTics database (IMGT)
nrsub    .dba  NRSub (Non-Redundant Bacillus subtilis) database
omega    .dba  OMEGA data bank
subtilis .dba  SubtiList database
tmbase   .dba  TMbase - database of transmembrane domains
transfac .dba  TRANSFAC database

Documents describing email servers

bicserv  .srv  Bicserv         [Similarity searches]
biosafet .srv  Biosafety       [Retrieval of biosafety documents]
bioscan  .srv  BioSCAN         [Similarity searches]
bioserve .srv  BIOSERVE        [Retrieval of various documents and software]
blast    .srv  NCBI BLAST      [Similarity searches]
blitz    .srv  EBI BLITZ       [Similarity searches]
blocks   .srv  BLOCKS          [Similarity searches against BLOCK; retrieval]
dapmail  .srv  DAPMAIL         [Similarity searches]
darwin   .srv  Darwin          [Various analytical functions]
dflash   .srv  dFLASH          [Similarity searches]
domain   .srv  DOMAIN          [Domain oriented sim. search against SW-PROT]
estmail  .srv  NCBI EST        [Retrieval of Expressed sequence tag sequences]
fastamai .srv  EBI FASTA       [Similarity searches]
flatserv .srv  Flat DB         [Retrieval of sequences from databases]
gcrdb    .srv  GCRDb           [Similarity search against GCRDb]
gdbomim  .srv  GDB/OMIM        [Retrieval of GDB and OMIM data]
geneid   .srv  Geneid          [Protein coding region prediction]
genefind .srv  Genefinder      [Protein coding region prediction]
genmark  .srv  GenMark         [Protein coding region prediction]
genquest .srv  GenQuest        [Similarity searches]
grail    .srv  Grail           [Protein coding region prediction]
houston  .srv  Gene-Server     [Retrieval of sequences and software]
hugemap  .srv  HUGEMAP         [Retrieval of human physical map data]
motifind .srv  MotifFinder     [Prosite]
mowse    .srv  MOWSE           [Peptide mass fingerprint]
netgene  .srv  NetGene         [Protein coding region prediction]
netserv  .srv  EBI NetServ     [Retrieval of software, doc. and databases]
nnpredic .srv  nnpredict       [Protein secondary structure prediction]
pir      .srv  PIR             [Retrieval of sequences & similarity searches]
predprot .srv  PredictProtein  [Protein secondary structure prediction]
prodom   .srv  ProDom          [Protein domains]  
prosite  .srv  Prosite         [Prosite]
psort    .srv  PSORT           [Predict protein sorting signals & localizat.]
pythia   .srv  Pythia          [Identification of repetitive DNA elements]
quickmai .srv  EBI QUICKSEARCH [Similarity searches]
rdp      .srv  RDP             [Retrieval of data/soft. from Rib. Db. Project]
retrieve .srv  NCBI RETRIEVE   [Retrieval of sequences from databases]
sbase    .srv  SBASE           [Similarity searches against SBASE]
signalp  .srv  signalp         [Signal peptides detection]
sopm     .srv  SOPM            [Protein secondary structure prediction]
springer .srv  Springer        [Retrieval of table of contents of journals]
tmap     .srv  TMAP            [Protein transmembrane segments prediction]
tm7      .srv  TM7             [Retrieval of data on G protein-coupled recep.]
waismail .srv  WaisMail        [Retrieval of BIOSCI postings and other doc.]
ypd      .srv  YPD             [Retrieval of data from yeast protein database]

Documents describing FTP servers

gdbnetjp .ftp  Genome Database Network in Japan (GDBnetJP) FTP server
gdbomim  .ftp  How to access GDB & OMIM files via FTP
iubio    .ftp  IUBIO FTP archive
pdb      .ftp  Protein Data Bank via FTP
suhgmc   .ftp  Stanford University human genome mapping center FTP server

Documents describing software packages

able     .sof  ABLE; test for constancy in the evolutionary rates
anthepro .sof  ANTHEPROT; protein analysis software package
bandlead .sof  Band Leader; Gel images processing software
biosim   .sof  BIOSIM; biologically oriented neural network simulator
blast    .sof  BLAST; Basic Local Alignment Search Tool version 1.4
boxshade .sof  BOXSHADE; creates nice printouts from multiple-alignments
chrozoom .sof  ChromoZooM; tool for comparison and alignment of images
clever   .sof  Clever; COmmand Line Entrez VERsion
colibri  .sof  Colibri; Macintosh E.coli genome data base application
cost     .sof  Cost; a fast random cost algorithm for physical mapping
degendes .sof  DegenDesigner; design degenerate oligos (for PCR or blotting)
detect   .sof  DETECT; a program that locates errors in DNA sequences
dnawkbn  .sof  DNA WorkBench; a program for sequence searching and manipulation
dsce     .sof  DCSE; multiple sequence alignment editor (DOS,VMS,IRIX)
egcg     .sof  EGCG; package of 65 programs which extend the GCG package
emblsoft .sof  List of DOS, Mac, Unix, VAX soft. available from EMBL file serv.
falcon   .sof  FALCON; Fast Assembly of Large CONtigs
fastaler .sof  FastAlert; FastA Best Scores Alerting System
foldit   .sof  Foldit (light); Mac protein molecular modelling program
gbsoft   .sof  GenBank Software Clearinghouse
gdb_lite .sof  GDB-Lite; browsing and data entry tool for the Genome Data Base
gdb_acce .sof  GDB/Accessor; MacIntosh program for accessing GDB on Internet
hmmer    .sof  HMMER; Hidden Markov models for protein & n.a sequence analysis
icatools .sof  ICAtools; clustering and database searching programs
macblast .sof  Macintosh BLAST Client
mega     .sof  MEGA; Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis
memsat   .sof  MEMSAT; transmembrane structure prediction program
mitoprot .sof  MitoProt; evaluation of mitochondrial targeting sequences
msblast  .sof  MSBLAST; Multible Sequence Blast
namot    .sof  NAMOT; Nucleic Acid Modeling Tool
ncbitool .sof  NCBI ASN.1 software toolkit
ods      .sof  ODS; Ordering DNA Sequences ("contig mapping")
oxford   .sof  University of Oxford software packages (alscript, amps, etc.)
pcap     .sof  PCAP; probe choice and analysis package
pdbcat   .sof  PDBCAT; converts PDB files to a field based format & back again
phylogen .sof  Some available phylogeny programs
proanal  .sof  ProAnal; analysis of relationship between structure/activity
prophet  .sof  Prophet; UNIX-workstation software package
prosa    .sof  PROSA II; PROtein Structure Analysis
rasmol   .sof  RasMol; Molecular Graphics Visualisation tool
rnadraw  .sof  RNAdraw; RNA secondary structure/Basepair probability software
scanps   .sof  SCAPS; Protein sequence similarity scanning program
seqpup   .sof  SeqPup; Biological sequence editor and analysis program
sigma    .sof  SIGMA; System for Integrated Genome Map Assembly
smite    .sof  SMITE; query language for the PRINTS protein fingerprint db
threader .sof  THREADER; protein 3D structure threading software
treecon  .sof  TREECON; construction and drawing of evolutionary trees
wordup   .sof  WORDUP; Dynamic detection of signals in a DNA sequence
wpdb     .sof  WPDB; Windows based Macromolecular Structure Interrogation


gerotoge .txt  Articles on gerontogenes (FASEB J. 9:284-286(1995).


- Except for the serv_ftp.txt, serv_ema.txt and serv_bbo.txt documents, we are
  not responsible for the content of these documents.

- We try to  regularily  update  these  documents by  accessing  recent copies
  from the orginal providers,  but  we  can  not insure that we store the most
  recent version.

- If you have a document that you wish to be added  to  this list, please send
  it to my email address (this is also valid for updates/comments):


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