Best Bets in Education & Academe

As good as it is in education, "Academe This Week" (see Best of the Best) isn't the only resource out there. Here are a few more gems.

Academic Physician and Scientist

APS lists over 400 positions in academic medicine from 126 medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals -- the largest and most comprehensive collection of its kind. APS includes administrative positions, positions in basic science, clinical science, and opportunities with the Food and Drug Administration. The postings are easily browsable by specialty, and each section is searchable by specialty, location, or other keyword.

Academic Position Network

Job announcements on the APN include faculty, administrative, and staff positions in higher education, along with graduate assistant and fellowship positions. The APN's strongest area is in faculty positions. Job postings come primarily from colleges and universities, but several research institutions (like Argonne National Laboratory) are members, as are a few businesses. As of Febrary 1995, the APN listed 341 jobs from 124 institutions.

The positions are easily browsable by state or country. Most of the jobs are in the U.S., but Canada and Australia have some current postings. The full text of each posting is searchable, so one can search by job title or any keyword. The service is run by a non-profit collaborative involved with education, science and technology, which charges a one-time fee to listing institutions; there is no fee for those seeking positions.

Jobs at Specific Colleges & Universities

Numerous colleges and universities in the U.S., and increasingly the world, have their job postings available through the Internet. Each institution's postings may vary in its organization, scope, and timeliness. There are several places on the Net that collect lists of these sites, including:

Univ. Minnesota College of Education's Job-Search Bulletin Board

This "bulletin board" pulls together hundreds of brief job postings focused on the K-12 educational field. Categories include administration, media specialty, psychology, and counseling; early childhood development and elementary education; higher education; and secondary, special, vo-tech education, and phys.-ed. Because of this organization, the system is easy to browse by specialty. A search capability allows more flexibility and enables the job hunter to focus quickly on potential positions.

This Internet resource is an outgrowth of the College's printed bulletin, updated weekly. While the organizers accept job postings from anywhere in the world, the vacancies listed are almost all in the United States. A few quirks of the system bear mentioning: the "higher education" section includes a large number of high-school related entries, in addition to the expected college/university postings. Some specific postings are titled only "Vacancies", requiring the job hunter to sift through more material than might otherwise be necessary.

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