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Interview Interview

InterView is the fastest way of finding the best jobs in higher education.
Jobs are updated every Tuesday at 3pm with the ads that will be printed in the following Friday's edition of The Times Higher Education Supplement. InterView carries lists from all categories of job vacancies worldwide in higher education, as advertised in The Times Higher. Jobs are sorted into UK or International groups, and then sorted by their classification type: i.e. Lecturers & Tutors, Principal/Senior Lecturers, Professors, Readers and Chairs. We will keep files with each week's jobs, and these will remain on the Internet for about a month or until the closing date, whichever is later.

How to place an ad in The THES.
Classified job ads that have been booked to appear in The Times Higher Education Supplement appear in the InterView section free.
To book your ad in The Times Higher Education Supplement.
Fax a written order to:
The Times Higher Education Supplement Advertising Department,
London +44-(0)171-782-3333

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