All riches, of all natures, begin as a state of mind. For your state of mind is everything. It is the one and only thing over which you have complete, unchallanged right of control. But you must take and command this control, for if you don't, every daily circumstance of life will have you up and down, going through emotional rollercoasters like a yoyo. Or, you may take total control of your state of mind, at all times and live with peace of mind, a spiritual serenity that will be revered by others.
Your mental attitude is critical because it will act as an electromagnet, attracting those people, situations and circumstances that it dwells upon. It is no mystery why some people go all the way through life and have 'bad luck' after 'bad luck'. All causes produce predictable effects.
A person's dominating thoughts will attract their exact counterpart of one's aims, goals and desires, yet, it will also attract that which one fears, worries, and doubts. One must take complete control if one is to be and achieve the great riches life has to offer. A Positive mental attitude is the starting block for achieving all riches in life, whether they be of a material or intangible nature.
How does one acquire a Positive Mental Attitude? Is a continuous, ever present Positive Mental Attitude possible in all circumstances of life? If so, how does one reach this higher plane of thought?
Land of the Living is for those needing a mental recharge. For those desiring a greater peace of mind in all that life has to offer. We all need a mental recharge daily and everyone desires greater peace of mind. This inner strength and peace can be acquired if one is willing to develop and establish the habits necessary to achieve it. Land of the Living will provide you with insight to achieve higher plateaus in physical health, harmony in all human relationships, economic security, happiness and in the spiritual sense. Because man is a tridimensional being. To you health, prosperity and happiness, Freedom.
We'll see you at our next update on Land of the Living. Adversity, finding the equivalent or greater benefit in every adversity.