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Spirit-WWW, Spiritual Consciousness on WWW
Spirit-WWW: USA-Site/ Europe-Site/ Australia-Site


Welcome to Spirit-WWW! A dedicated spiritual world-wide-web site which comprehends spirituality in a modern context in review of ancient teachings and religious belief-systems. The site is independent of any kind specific religious belief-system or movement, but tries to give an overview of manifold forms of spirituality.

This mirror-site is kindly offered by Joe Holloway. In case you are not located in asian area, check out following mirror-sites (identical copies of the site) which may allow you to access Spirit-WWW faster:

MOTHER SITE at Mountain View/CA, USA
MIRROR EUROPE at Ravenna, Italy
MIRROR AUSTRALIA at Canberra, Australia
Spirit-WWW itself is maintained in Switzerland, but distributed on those three different sites. A spiritual overview of the material on Spirit-WWW you may read in the Introduction.

This is also a HTML 3.0 (Netscape-1.1 or later, Arena, Spyglass, and some other browsers) enhanced web-site: <table> <center> and <font> intensivly used. Netscape-2.0 users may change their setup of the browser to force rendering small and mid-size pictures always dithered.

Spirit-WWW supports following initiatives:

Enjoy the Spirit-WWW!

Spirit-WWW: Intro/ New/ Channelings/ Lightwork/ UFO/ Light-Tech/ Healing/ Reincarnation/ Meditation/ OBE/ Yoga/ Veda/ Theosophy/ Mysteries/ Astrology/ Networks [Search]

Sections of Spirit-WWW:

Introduction of Spirit-WWW
Recent changes at Spirit-WWW
* CHANNELINGS (div. Authors)
Channelings related to Metaphysics, Coming Changes, Alien-Cultures.
* LIGHTWORK (div. Authors)
Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins and ET's - Their Activities.
* UFO PHENOMENA (div. Authors)
Spiritual view of UFO Phenomena, also References to Ancient Cultures.
* LIGHT TECHNOLOGY (div. Authors)
Primary/Free Energy, Psychotronics, Space and Time Technology etc.
* HEALING METHODS (div. Authors)
Alternative Healing Approaches (Chakras, Foot Reflex Zones).
* REINCARNATION (div. Authors)
Thoughts on Spiritual Evolution of Soul in Physical Realities.
* MEDITATION (div. Authors)
Meditation Techniques and Ways to do.
OBE, Lucid-Dreaming Techniques
* YOGA PATHS (div. Authors)
Different Yoga-Paths classified and their Explanations.
* VEDA & DHARMA (div. Authors)
Overview of Vedic-Culture and relation to other Cultures.
* THEOSOPHY (div. Authors)
Theosophical Teaching according H.P. Blavatsky, A. Bailey and others
* MYSTERIES (div. Authors)
Gnosis, Kaballah and ancient div. belief-systems.
* ASTROLOGY (div. Authors)
Western and Vedic Astrology.
Other related Networks and Sites.

* SEARCH ENGINE (beta-version)
Search-Engine for Spirit-WWW



Miscellaneous information about Spirit-WWW, funding information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Spirit-WWW also supports and hosts following self-consistent web-sites for comperative studying:

* THE URANTIA BOOK (div. Authors, 8MB, 200 documents)
Adventist Revelation: comprehensive overview on creation, earth history and life of Jesus
* CHRISTIAN RATIONALISM (div. Authors, 0.3MB, 14 documents)
Scientific & Philosophic Spiritualism - reincarnation, inferior and superior astral

Only few links out to the world and
back on the local machine!

We come closer to the idea of higher realms as
Astral, Etheric and Spiritual World.

There, we are all connected to each other ...
Do we try to manifest the same here?

Since more than two years I'm collecting material from the Internet, and append the material in Spirit-WWW. And it's really speeding up, the connections and meetings I had with people and their thoughts. I'm really surprised by all the positive responses and support I received.

Your comment is welcome!

In this way, I really appreciate your response, if you like the site or a special thought you picked up here just submit your thoughts in the comment-forum. If you like to share an URL of your web-site, consider to submit your info here.

I wish you Light and Peace!

René K. Müller (kiwi@spiritweb.org)


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Keywords: Spiritual Consciousness, Interreligious Understanding, Alternative Healing, Lightwork, Channeling, Veda & Dharma, Yoga Paths, Theosophy, Mystic, Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming, UFOs, Extraterrestrials (ETs), Contactees, Abductees, Earth Changes, Dimensional Shift, Reincarnation, Past Lives, Channelled Messages from the Non-Physical Realms, Light Communities, Telepathy, Voices, Twinflames, Soulmates, Exercising Discernment, Intuition, Inner Guidance, Arch Angels, Spirit Guides, Oversoul, Higher Self, Paramatma
