(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
- Upgrades
Section Update: Sat Feb 25 13:57:18 EST 1995
Upgrade History
- October 1992 --
Panix moves into an office, and all low-speed modems are
replaced with Hayes modems. All high-speed modems are upgraded to
support 16,800bps and 19,200bps as well as the standard 14,400 and
9600bps speeeds. Our serial-ports and terminal server are replaced
with a 64-port Annex III.
- November 1992 --
Our Cisco router is installed, along with our 56kbps high-speed internet connection.
- January 1993 --
Panix makes a smooth migration from a Mac to a Sparc-2
with more memory, more disk space, and lots more speed. 10 more lines
are added.
- March 1993 --
We add ten more lines and modems, and a second Sparc-2 to
handle news, mail-list, gopher, wais, and other server tasks.
- June 1993 --
Panix's main host becomes a Sparc-10/40, and the first Sparc-2
is used for test purposes (and as a "hot" standby). 23 more modems and
lines are added. Our 2.2GB tape unit is supplemented by a 5GB unit.
- August 1993 --
Another 2.5 GB SCSI disk is added to provide more space for
user files. Several significant new programs, such as the TIN
newsreader, are made available to all users.
- September 1993 --
Our T1 very-high-speed Internet connection goes up.
- December 1993 --
We install our Long Island site with 24 lines, connected to
our computers via a T1. We install a new terminal servers in NYC and
LI, and 32 new lines in NYC. 10 more new lines are installed, along
with a dialup router, for SLIP and PPP service. A new Sparc10/40 and
2.5GB disk are added to support the user load. Our tape unit is
upgraded to support compression.
- January 1994 --
We upgrade to a better SLIP/PPP box and add 20 more
SLIP/PPP lines. We install 2 Ross HyperSPARC 55 MHz modules (4 CPUs)
in the
- February 1994 --
We install a third 64-port terminal server in NYC, along
with 28 more lines and modems.
- Spring and Summer 1994 --
We add another Sparc 10, 12GB of disk, 30 more lines in
NYC and 8 in LI, and upgrade the four CPUs in from 55MHz to 66.
The new lines all have 28.8kbps modems. All lines except 2400bps modems
now support SLIP and PPP.
- Fall 1994 --
We move to much larger offices, with adequate air conditioning
for our machines and enough phone capacity for our users. We add 75 more
lines, another terminal server, and a number of special-purpose servers.
- Winter 1995 --
Our first NJ site opens with 16 14.4kb and 8 28.8 lines.
We open a similar site in W. Suffolk.
We believe that upgrades should be a continuous (but painless)
process, and we will continue to add new hardware and capabilities as
demand grows.
Future Upgrade Plans
In the months ahead, we will be making the following upgrades:
- We will be opening Points of Presence (POPs) in Lower Westchester,
East Suffolk, and Rockland. These will be connected to our main NYC
location via frame-relay or T1.
- We will be installing ISDN service in our NYC location.
- Our Web service is in late "beta" test, with dozens of commercial and
individual users. All Panix users will be able to set up personal Web
pages, and over 60MB of free usage each month.
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