(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
- Features
Section Update: Sat Feb 25 08:37:01 EST 1995
Menu System
For users with no knowledge of Unix (and no desire to learn it), we have written
a one-keystroke menu system with built-in help. It allows users to to perform
many functions, such as using mail and various Internet services, without ever
seeing Unix. It's not fancy, but it is easy. It also provides an optional
learning mode that can help you learn Unix. It looks like this:
Type '?' for help.
M(ail) U(sers) A(ccount) S(ystem Help)
N(ews) Y(o) C(onfigure) D(ate)
F(iles) R(eply) P(hone) L(ogout)
I(nternet) ! shell ? help T(utorial on UNIX)
Personal IP Connectivity
We also offer Personal IP connectivity via SLIP or PPP.
This type of connection makes your computer itself a part of the internet
for as long as your modem is connected to us. Without connecting to our
computer, you can directly access the Internet using software like
NetScape, Mosaic, Eudora, Fetch, PC-gopher,
and so on. This software works on both Macs and PCs and we have pre-configured
software available for both machines to help you avoid the setup hassle.
Panix is a complete Internet site with all of the usual Internet software and
plenty of not-so-usual Internet software. (See Communications with the Internet)
Any site that can e-mail to anywhere on the Internet can mail to us. This
includes Compuserve and MCI mail, America On Line, Bitnet sites, etc. No
unusual addressing methods are required -- See the
Inter-Network Mail Guide for information on how to send e-mail from one computer network to another.
Shell Accounts
More experienced users are provided with their choice of shell:
sh Bourne Shell
ksh Korn Shell
tcsh A variant of the C-shell
bash GNU Bourne Again Shell
zsh Z-Shell
Mail readers
We have mail readers such as elm, pine, mm, and regular Mail.
The vi, emacs, jove, pico, and joe editors are available.
We provide recent versions of the rn, trn, nn, and tin newsreaders. We will
support them all, and keep them current. We also have the GNUS newsreader,
though we don't actively support it. If you have a SLIP or PPP connection, you
can use any NNTP-based newsreader.
Software Archives
Panix has a local archive of popular and useful software and other files. We do
not try to keep everything of interest- after all, you can reach hundreds of
archives from Panix that do just that- but we keep the most frequently accessed
files handy, as well as a variety of unix and telecom- related software.
We are constantly adding new software. See the upgrade section
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