Q. What is Oracle PowerBrowser?
A. PowerBrowser is a World Wide Web browser and Web server, combined into a single product.
PowerBrowser also includes a integrated BASIC interpreter that lets you embed BASIC scripts
directly into Web pages. And PowerBrowser lets third-party applications run directly in the
browser, using a technology called Network Loadable Objects.
Q. What is the Personal Server?
A. The Personal Server is an HTTP 1.0-compliant Web server, and is included with PowerBrowser.
The Personal Server is designed to be an easy-to-use workgroup-level Web server, designed to let
people share documents with one another using standard Web protocols.
Q. How does the BASIC interpreter work?
A. PowerBrowser includes a BASIC interpreter that can execute BASIC scripts as part of any Web
document. Within a Web page, you can specify the times at which any given BASIC script gets executed;
for example, you can specify to execute a script when a user leaves an input field, or when he/she
presses a form button. The syntax of these BASIC scripts is based on Oracle's application development
tool Power Objects.
Q. Why would I ever use BASIC scripts in a Web page?
A. Conventional browsers have no way of understanding or analyzing the information they
display. These browsers typically have to package any information input by a user and send
it across the network to a server before any meaningful information processing gets done. With
PowerBrowser, a simple BASIC script can perform checks on form-based user input before it gets
sent to a server, saving end-user delays and more effectively distributing the processing load.
BASIC scripts can also dynamically generate new HTML pages on the fly, using extensions to the
BASIC language specifically created for Web-based applications.
Q. What are Network Loadable Objects?
A. Network Loadable Objects let PowerBrowser execute applications and display documents
created by third-party developers. For example, with NLO's PowerBrowser can insert an inline
video player or sound player directly within any Web page. Furthermore, Network Loadable Objects
are compatible with Netscape 2.0 plug-ins.
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