(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Internet Search-Tools
These are the tools (software applications) you can use to find
information through the Internet. I have provided a sample address for
each of these tools, along with a tip on how to find the commands you
need to use to navigate some of these services. [keep in mind that some
of these tools implement the others, so you might be using two at once
after only calling up one].
3.01 GOPHER:
A tool which allows for tunneling through the Internet through a series
of menus. It also helps you to access the resources it lists. Use
Gopher to browse for resources using system of menus. Gopher can Telnet
or FTP for you.
Access the University of Minnesota gopher server for an example
of a gopher server. Many institutions (primarily academic institutions
on the Internet) are operating gopher servers, so you really have your
choice of where to begin.
3.02 WAIS:
Internet service for searching indexed material (words or phrases). It
is similar to Gopher, yet it conducts your search for you by Keyword.
WAIS is a distributed text searching system, which operates with keyword
access: TELNET Or
Login: WAIS
commands:Type Help or ? for a list of
commands to use in WAIS.
3.03 WWW:
World Wide Web. A Hypertext menu-based service which allows access to
different resources across the Internet. WWW is an attempt to organize
all the information on the Internet and make it available under subject
headings. You traverse the web by links which hook documents together.
It is more flexible than Gopher.
access: Telnet Or
Login: WWW
commands: Type Help or ? for a list of
3.04 ARCHIE:
A system which allows index searching of publicly available files on the
Internet. Archie indexes servers and file directories. A *Whatis*
search is a Keyword search.
Login: archie
[type] Whatis Women
[type] Help (for a list of commands)
[Use Archie to find the servers or files you want, then TELNET to
servers or FTP files to yourself]
A system which enables one to conduct keyword searches of Gopher titles
on the Internet.
3.06 Anonymous FTP:
Enables you to connect to a remote computer as an anonymous user or
guest in order to transfer public files back to your local computer.
(Usually, with anonymous FTP you can only Get copies of files). This is
the most frequently used form of FTP for beginners, as access is public
and the Login is usually anonymous (you do not have to be on a special
list to access these files).
access: [Type] FTP
login: [Type] anonymous Or ftp
FTP commands:
[This is just a few of the commands you need to know to get started with
dir [listing of filenames in the directory]
ls [listing of filenames, less complete than
dir results]
cd directory [remote directory]
lcd directory [local directory]
pwd [means *print working directory* use this
if youre lost]