hide random home http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/sorokin/women/lhunt-wir/wir.addresses.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)


This is a list of addresses which might help you along with your Womens
Studies or Feminist research.
4.01    Sample GOPHER contact

        Access: Using gopher software,locate the University of Maryland
InforM gopher interface and follow this path:
University of Maryland / Educational Resources / Womens Studies
[note: this is a wonderful electronic archive, it contains syllabi,
research, resources and other information of value to those in the
Womens Studies community.  It is also possible to Telnet directly to the
University of Marylands gopher (see Sample Telnet addresses).  Most of
the files on the University of Marlyands Womens Studies Data Archvie
have come from the WMST-L listserv. (See Listserv addresses) You can FTP
documents from the WMST-L archive via e-mail (directions on how to do
this come when you subscribe to WMST-L)]
4.02    Sample FTP Addresses

Queer Resources Directory: is a good resource for gay, lesbian and
bisexual communities.  It contains information on AIDS (facts and
treatments), publications of interest, civil rights, and domestic

        FTP nifty.andrew.cmu.edu
        LOGIN:  anonymous
        cd pub/QRD/qrd [for the directory]
For more information, E-mail: buckmr@rpi.edu
Project Gutenberg:  offers many books in print and almanac files.
        FTP mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu
        cd pub/etext
4.03    Sample TELNET Address
University of Marylands Womens Studies Online Data Archive:
A wonderful resource for anyone who has anything to do with Womens
Studies.  Once you are in the Womens Studies level, you can explore all
the resources the database has to offer, ranging from gender- related
Electronic forums, to print and non-print publications on Womens
Studies, and notices of conferences or calls for papers.
        Telnet Inform.umd.edu
        Login:  gopher
        [Return] / Inform--Gopher interface [Return] 
        / Educational Resources [Return] / Womens 
        Studies [Return] then move to your area of 
4.04    Sample E-MAIL  FTP

Internet Accessible Library Catalogs and Databases: a listing of several
hundred online library catalogs.  To FTP the list through E-mail (to
your E-mail account)
        Send an E-Mail message to: 
        Message:  get library package
4.05 Sample ARCHIE 
These will search all FTP sites for any program you want:
        telnet archie.sura.net  (USA [MD])
        telnet archie.unl.edu  (USA [NE])
        telnet archie.ans.net  (USA [NY])
        telnet archie.rutgers.edu (USA [NJ])
        LOGIN:  archie
4.06    Sample WAIS
        telnet quake.think.com
        telnet swais.cwis.uci.edu
        telnet sunsite.unc.edu
        telnet nnsc.nsf.net  (Login: wais)
        telnet info.fundt.fi  (Login: info)
        LOGIN: swais
4.07    Sample WWW
Offers access to various documents, lists and services.
        telnet www.njit.edu
        telnet fatty.law.cornell.edu
        telnet info.cern.ch  (Swiss)
        telnet vms.huji.ac.il  (Israel)
        telnet ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu (USA [KA])
        LOGIN: www
4.08    Sample FINGER
        Access:  Finger yanoff@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
	To find ways to receive Scott Yanoff's list of 
	Special Internet Connections. This is another site
	which enables you to try FTP via e-
	mail.  Directions on how to do this should show up 
	when you connect with the above address.
4.09    Sample FREENET
        access:  Cleveland Free-Net (the original 
        Telnet freenet-in-[a,b,c].cwru.edu  Or 
        Telnet yfn.ysu.edu
        Login:  visitor
4.10    Sample LIBRARY CATALOG
Gettysburg College Library Holdings in Womens Studies.  Gettysburg
College is in Pennsylvania, try connecting to the college gopher and
accessing the library catalog through there.
(next page)