(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Family Technology Nights
Family Technology Nights are designed to introduce parents, educators and students to exciting, new technology available for home and school use. The hour-long Family Technology Nights seminars, sponsored by the school's parent organization, feature:
- a presentation by a local technology expert. Topics include an introduction to computer technology, current technology trends in schools, how to use computers to help children do better in school, and how to select hardware and software.
- demonstrations of the latest computer software available for home and school use, including the new Windows® 95 operating system.
- hands-on opportunities for families to test drive computer hardware and software programs.
- free software donations to participating schools through local PTA/PTOs.
- opportunity for parents to get selected Microsoft software, which earns additional free software for their school.
For more information or to arrange a Family Technology Night, parent organization officials can call 1-800-203-5520. To see a list of scheduled Family Technology Nights, go to the Local Events Search.
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