hide random home http://www.microsoft.com/NTServer/product.htm (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Microsoft NT Server

Product Overview

Windows NT Server Product Overview
The best network foundation for the new generation of business applications. A robust, multipurpose network operating system that offers high-performance file and print services while providing the infrastructure to run powerful client-server applications
Evaluating Windows NT Server 3.51
This guide is designed to describe and explain in detail the important new features that are included in the Microsoft Windows NT Server operating system. The new 3.51 features are distinguished from those already in version 3.5.
Getting Real Advantage from NetWorking Technology
Understand how Microsoft Windows NT Server is the best network foundation for distributed systems.
Features of Windows NT Server
Microsoft Windows NT Server, the Right Server for Windows 95 Clients
The combination of Windows 95 and Windows NT Server will provide businesses better networking, more powerful, integrated applications, and a networking foundation for today and tomorrow.
Internet Information Server
Microsoft Internet Information Server, the only web server integrated into Windows NT Server, is the most powerful platform for a new generation of web applications.
BackOffice Executive Summary
An overview of Microsoft's business computing strategy.
Timeline for Upcoming Betas and Future Releases
Find out what's coming when!

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