if WWW_HOME is unset.
<hotjava-install-dir>:$HOME/public_html/Each component of the path is used as a prefix to compare against the file that the applet wants to open for reading. Applets are allowed to read from
For example, let's say you have a directory:
As subdirectories under "Images" you have a "Private" subdirectory and a "Public" subdirectory. If you set HOTJAVA_READ_PATH to:
an applet would be able to read the "Private" subdirectory. If you wanted to prevent applets from reading the "Private" subdirectory but allow them to read the "Public" one then you would set HOTJAVA_READ_PATH to:
In this way the directory "$HOME/Images/Private" won't match any component of HOTJAVA_READ_PATH and applets can't read files in it.
Setting HOTJAVA_READ_PATH to "*" disables file checking for reads. The * should be quoted so the shell doesn't expand it.
/tmp/:/devices/:/dev/:~/.hotjava/The components of the path are used as a prefix to compare against the file that the applet wants to open for writing.
See HOTJAVA_READ_PATH for an example of how matching components works. The * should be quoted so the shell doesn't expand it.
Setting HOTJAVA_WRITE_PATH to "*" disables file checking for writes.