(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The following is a description of ITP's mission, goals, objectives, and approach.
ITP's mission is to support and encourage campus faculty to use technology to improve instruction. ITP accomplishes this goal by:
- organizing faculty into focus groups.
- informing faculty with forums, seminars, and training programs.
- supporting faculty by identifying promising models for use of technology in instruction, by developing pilot projects, by characterizing faculty needs and by communicating these needs to those providing campus funds.
The Instructional Technology Program leads the Berkeley campus in developing long-term plans and alternative models for utilizing and funding communication and computing technologies in instruction. For example, the Instructional Technology Program is working broadly to identify alternative models for funding instructional software, for designing instructional laboratories, and for incorporating technology into campus courses.
- Nurture multi-disciplinary collaboration by forming and supporting focus groups of faculty with similar instructional interests.
- Inform faculty about trends and developments in software through focus-groups, seminars, forums, and newsletters.
- Increase faculty expertise in using technology in instruction by providing access to development laboratories along with technical advice, training, and expertise.
- Develop models for technology-based laboratories, software support, and instructional innovation.
- Supports faculty, who are developing materials to be used in instructional laboratories, and evaluate the effectiveness of these approaches.
- Facilitate acquisition and application of software development environments and powerful software tools for campus courses.
- Facilitate the use of technology for lectures and presentations in classrooms.
- Support and encourage faculty seeking extramural funding for technology-based instructional programs.
- Help faculty identify and apply for awards for effective use of technology.
The Instructional Technology Program carries out this mission by working jointly with other IS&T units. ITP supports and encourages departments to provide instructional technology services to their faculty, staff, and students, while at the same time continuing to develop, implement, and operate services that are best managed and funded in a coordinated manner. Furthermore, the Instructional Technology Program regularly monitors, reviews, and reformulates the mix of campus-wide and local instructional services in order to best serve the campus departments.
- U.C. Berkeley Instructional Technology Program