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History of UBC CS WWW service

This page documents of history of the UBC computer science WWW service. It lists events in reverse chronological order and can be used as a quick way to find out what's new.
August 17, 1995
Made a number of additions to the list of UBC information servers. Obviously summer is a busy time for web builders. They are:

June 9, 1995
Campus Planning and Development has an HTTP server now.

May 11, 1995
Added Continuing Studies to the list of UBC information servers.

March 30, 1995
Wrote and installed a fairly general gateway to our events calendar. You can easily make a link to Department and system maintenance events or build your own custom list.

March 21, 1995
The Civil Engineering HTTP server is now listed.

March 15, 1995
Made a major update of the Open Government mirror.

February 24, 1995
The Faculty of Medicine HTTP server is now on-line. MAGIC now has a few pages available.

February 22, 1995
Added the Ritslab Home Page to the list of UBC information servers.

February 14, 1995
Put in link to the Office of Research Services & Administration HTTP server.

February 2, 1995
Updated the NHL schedules.

January 31, 1995
Electrical Engineering now has a web server.

January 27, 1995
Added Radiology to the list of UBC web sites.

January 10, 1995
Now there is a pointer to the Faculty of Commerce HTTP server.

January 9, 1995
Added pointers to the Math Department HTTP server and their anonymous FTP server as well.

December 2, 1994
The Faculty of Arts now has an HTTP server on line as does the Pulp and Paper Centre.

November 28, 1994
Made links to the Institute of Applied Mathematics' gopher and FTP servers.

November 22, 1994
Added a reference to the Oceanography Department's HTTP server.

October 21, 1994
Put in a pointer to the Faculty of Science HTTP server.

October 20, 1994
A page for seminars and speaker series is now available.

October 6, 1994
The Distributed Systems Group web has been linked in.

September 16, 1994
Added links to the UBC Library web server.

September 15, 1994
Made links to the following HTTP servers:

August 22, 1994
Added the Institute of Applied Mathematics to the UBC information servers page and the Scientific Computation and Visualization lab to the list of CS research labs with their own home pages.

July 20, 1994
Added the Management Information Systems Divison of the Faculty of Commerce to the list of information servers at UBC.

June 1, 1994
Made links the the Computing and Communications (UCS) HTTP server and View UBC.

May 31, 1994
Installed new version of my HTTP server. It should put less of a load on the server machine, be easier to manage and better support HTTP and HTML. It's doubtful that remote users will notice much difference in performance, but the USENET article decoding service did get a facelift.

May 30, 1994
Added various links to Mechanical Engineering's HTTP server.

May 26, 1994
Announced our Open Government mirror to local newsgroups. The E-GEMS lab (Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science) now has a web.

April 5, 1994
Created some automated statistics gathering software. Now some basic statistics about the usage of www.cs.ubc.ca are available.

April 4, 1994
Put in a link to the UBC Theoretical Physics HTTP server.

March 29, 1994
Added the Chemistry Department gopher to the information server lists.

March 11, 1994
Made links to the ean UA documentation and the Imager / GraFiC web.

March 10, 1994
Created an information page for the reading room. Started a list of information servers at UBC.

March 8, 1994
Made up a different home page, created an in-line expanding menu which lists the stuff we have here. Threw together some basic tips for browser use.

Febrary 20, 1994
Got a fair chunk of 1993 CS department technical reports on line. I've also started an area for CICSR technical reports.

February 2, 1994
Created the ever so silly Mr. Spock quotes gateway.

January 18, 1994
Added a gateway that lets any user of the system publish their own web. There's no top-level list of all the user webs, but some may have made links from their user info pages. Only local users can access the documentation on adding to your userinfo page and building your own web.

January 14, 1994
Made the HTTP interface to our FTP site official. It's faster than using file: to access the files and it will do fancy things like let you peek inside zip archives and the like. The same technology has been added to the USENET article decoder. News groups like comp.binaries.ibm.pc really show the benefit.

A few of the services have been spiffed up with mostly minor enhancements. The internal organziation of the server has be re-done. Now my sub-servers are CGI compliant and generally produce better HTTP/1.0 output.

November 12, 1993
Added thesaurus mode to Webster dictionary.

November 7, 1993
Extended the NHL game schedule information to include final scores, when available. If you have a ClariNet news feed, it should also point you to game summaries and stories.

October 27, 1993
Added an interface to NHL game schedule information.

July 29, 1993
Updated Webster dictionary server to handle wild cards.

July 15, 1993
Installed a new version of the server with better HTTP/1.0 support. Put in a periodic table of the elements using data from Lou Montulli.

June 4, 1993
Put a dictionary server and machine map server on-line, but only as locally available services due to licensing restrictions and the like.

June 1, 1993
Announced server availability to the world on comp.infosystems.www.

May 12, 1993
Put the Task Force Report on Approriate Use of Information Technologies on line. Created a wwwd document sub-server to deal with simple information files like this one.

May 7, 1993
Created a ph gateway for the UBC phone book service because NCSA Mosaic can't yet talk to that service directly. The UBC gopher server points you at the ph service.

May 6, 1993
Announced availability of WWW service to department members. The service was in restricted use before that while the user information, USENET article decoding, UNIX manual page browser and software catalog were under development. The texinfo server was a small hack of infogate from the Computer and Information Science Department at Ohio State University.