hide random home http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/scv/home.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

The Scientific Computation and Visualization Lab

The primary objective of the Scientific Computation and Visualization Laboratory (SCV) is the development of fast, reliable numerical algorithms which are needed to accurately model a wide variety of physical phenomena. Thus, the group's research interests encompass both the theoretical and applied aspects of scientific computation, while various scientific visualization packages provide a crucial tool in the development and evaluation of these methods. The diverse nature of the group's activities is reflected in the fact that its members are from both the Computer Science and the Mathematics Departments. Moreover, it is intimately connected to the Institute of Applied Mathematics ( IAM ) the Centre for Integrated Computer Systems Research ( CICSR ), both of which promote and conduct interdisciplinary research at UBC.

This home page is still, yes still under development

The Research Group

The SCV group presently has three faculty members, no post docs, approximately nine graduate students and one visitor.

Papers and Current Research

Computational and Visualization Demos

Lab Resources