(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
UTHSCSA Genome Center Overview
NIH Genome Science and Technology Center (GESTEC) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA)
The NIH GESTEC at the UTHSCSA was established in 1992. The Center director and principal investigator is Susan Naylor . The principal investigator has worked closely with the chromosome 3 community in past years. She is the GDB editor for chromosome 3 and the Chairman of the Committee on Chromosome 3 for the Human Gene Mapping Workshop since 1988. Sue Naylor organized the first chromosome 3 workshop that was held in San Antonio in February, 1990.
The goal of the Center program project is to provide detailed physical and genetic maps of STS markers for human chromosome 3. There are three projects in the program and two cores.
- Project 1 - Polymorphic and Expressed Markers for Human Chromosome 3, directed by Sue Naylor, concentrates on producing STSs for chromosome 3 and the development of markers for the chromosomal gaps using the method of Alu PCR.
- Project 2 - Physical Mapping with Radiation-Reduced and Framework Hybrids, directed by Robin Leach, has produced a panel of framework somatic cell hybrids and radiation-reduced hybrids for chromosome 3. This panel is used to precisely map the location of known genes and STS markers on the physical map.
- Project 3 - Yeast Artificial Chromosome Mapping of Chromosome 3, directed by Peter O'Connell, is to physically map STS markers for chromosome 3 using YAC clones.
- Core A is directed by Peter O'Connell with Rosemarie Plaetke and is designated to aid in the data analysis. It supports the development of physical maps, RH maps, genetic maps, DNA sequencing, and oligonucleotide synthesis. Polymorphic markers developed in each of the projects are submitted to the core for typing CEPH families and producing a genetic map.
- Core B, directed by Sue Naylor, in collaboration with Peter Cartwright, from the University of Utah, is an informatics and administrative core. In this core the newly designed Genome Structure Database resides. This relational database contains not only all the marker information and data generated by the projects, but also contains a lab managment function to locate all reagents. We have made a portion of this database visible to the public. In the chromosome 3 specific database we have gathered the chromosome 3 information from our data, the Denver chromosome 3 project, the Whitehead Institute, and CEPH Genethon. The individual STS or YAC can be used to find all positive clones and STSs. In addition, the STS sequence and regional location data are shown. We have displayed sensitive maps which can be clicked on to go directly to information about locus. The server URL is /
This work is funded by NCHGR (P01 HG00470).
Vladimir Pekkel.
UTHSCSA Genome Center Home Page
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