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Introduction to CAM

This is an update on CAM, the Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal. The editors of CAM are H. Russell Bernard, Stephen Borgatti, Pertti Pelto, and Oswald Werner. Beginning its eighth year, CAM publishes articles on the real "how to" of qualitative and quantitative research methods -- articles on how to: CAM also publishes reviews of software of interest to all field researchers in the social sciences. CAM is read in 12 countries.

CAM costs $15.00 USC per year, including postage in the U.S., for three issues. The price is the same for individuals and libraries.

In Canada and Mexico, add $3.00 postage. Elsewhere, add $6.00 for surface mail, $9.00 for air mail. Purchase orders accepted. Florida residents, please add 6% (90 cents) sales tax. Back issues: $84, (includes postage in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico) for the full set of 19 issues, 1989-1995. A list of the back issue contents is included here.

CAM is available at a reduced, bulk price for classes (or for distributing to colleagues in developing nations). The bulk rate for CAM is $80 for 10 copies of three issues, delivered to one address in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, including postage. Outside North America, please add $10.00 for surface mail, $20.00 for air.

To receive CAM, send your check to: ECS-CAM, 2815 NW 38th Dr., Gainesville, FL 32605.
For more information on CAM, contact Russ Bernard

You can read an index of past issues here