CAM costs $15.00 USC per year, including postage in the U.S., for three issues. The price is the same for individuals and libraries.
In Canada and Mexico, add $3.00 postage. Elsewhere, add $6.00 for surface mail, $9.00 for air mail. Purchase orders accepted. Florida residents, please add 6% (90 cents) sales tax. Back issues: $84, (includes postage in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico) for the full set of 19 issues, 1989-1995. A list of the back issue contents is included here.
CAM is available at a reduced, bulk price for classes (or for distributing to colleagues in developing nations). The bulk rate for CAM is $80 for 10 copies of three issues, delivered to one address in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, including postage. Outside North America, please add $10.00 for surface mail, $20.00 for air.
To receive CAM, send your check to: ECS-CAM, 2815 NW 38th Dr.,
Gainesville, FL 32605.
For more information on CAM, contact
Russ Bernard
You can read an index of past issues here