A Gallery of Faerie Art

We may not always be fortunate enough to see the faeries dancing in our own gardens, but we know they are there, just out of our sight. Faeries have not only captured our hearts, they have inspired the imagination of many artists, quick enough to catch sight of the faeries and capture them in oils and watercolors, so we may all dance within the faerie rings.

During the nineteenth century many artists shared their vision of the fair folk in beautiful images of faerie courts and legendary heroes. Early in this century we find the wonderful watercolors of Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac, as well as a delightful photograph of faeries dancing in an English garden.

The images in the gallery not only give us a glimpse into the realm of faeries and legends, they also allow us to delight in the imagination and skill of the artists.


Many of these images are relatively large so I have limited each gallery page to two paintings to help speed loading times.



Gallery One Gallery Two Gallery Three Gallery Four Gallery Five
Gallery Six Gallery Seven Gallery Eight Gallery Nine



Please see the note on the Credits page concerning image souces

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