Much of the information on these pages was taken from the following sources, I recommend them for anyone who would like to learn more about fairy lore.

Further Reading

An Encyclopedia of Fairies - Katherine Briggs

Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry - William Butler Yeats

Irish Fairy Tales - William Butler Yeats

The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries - W.Y. Evans-Wentz

Faeries - Brian Froud and Alan Lee

The Enchanted World: Faeries and Elves - Time Life Books

Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were - Michael Page and Robert Ingpen

Portion of the poem "The Stolen Child" by William Butler Yeats

Graphic sources:

Isle home page:
Faerie girl by Brian Froud
Midsummer Eve, artist unknown
Faerie Folk Graphic
large (upper) image: artist unknown
Faerie Miscellany Graphic
Art by Edumund Dulac
Faerie Galleries Graphics
detail of painting by Stephen Reid
all other graphics credited beneath each image
Entry page, small Faerie Folk, Other Realms, & Credits images and all text heading graphics
by Rhiah & The Faerie Isle

Background set from Jelane's Free Web Graphics


A note on gallery images:

All of the images reproduced on gallery pages one through five can be found at the Lycos free images area located at Pictures and Sounds. I am unaware of any copyright exisiting on these or the remaining gallery images as most are well over a century old. However, all images should be considered the intellectual property of the original artists and I will be happy to remove them at the request of a copyright holder.

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