There are several rules & regulations which will govern
the Concours
event, to ensure fairness & safety. Official rules are as follows:
1. An on board fire extinguisher, preferably Class C, must be in each car entered (motorcycles are exempt).
2. Entry to the display field will commence at 7:30 AM on Saturday and all cars must be in place by 9:30 AM. Judging will commence at 10:00 AM, with awards at 4:00 PM. [see schedule]
3. All cars must be preregistered. The release of liability and photographs must accompany entry.
4. The Committee reserves the right to combine or divide classes depending on the number of entries accepted, and the Committee will have the final decision on car classification.
5. The Committee reserves the right to accept of deny any entry and all entrants will be confirmed prior to the event.
6. The owner/exhibitor must remain with the vehicle during judging.
7. Other than those supplied by the Committee, no signs, stanchions or illustrations will be allowed.
8. All entrants will receive two entry tickets per car entered. Additional tickets are available at $20.00 each from TicketMaster.
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