Contrast enhanced, detail-rich UKS image
of the whole Lagoon nebula, which covers an area more than double that of the full
Contrast enhanced black-and-white image of the same region (probably one of the plates used to make the color image). The extreme richness in detail was obtained by the Unsharp Masking method invented by David Malin of the AAO. The effective contrast enhancement which can be obtained by this method is obvious.
For technical info on unsharp masking, look at David Malin's webpage on special
photographic techniques.
Above images are copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on CD-ROM, please contact Coral Cooksley of the Anglo Australian Observatory.
Old style version the AAT
and UKS images of the Lagoon Nebula M8
Hartmut Frommert (
Christine Kronberg (
Last Modification: 19 Apr 1998, 16:50 MET