The Hourglass Nebula

the brightest condensation of the Lagoon Nebula M8. m8-detail.gif This feature sits in the brightest condensation of the Lagoon nebula, e.g. in the picture below, or our image on the M8 page.

This image is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on CD-ROM, please contact Coral Cooksley of the Anglo Australian Observatory.

Old style version the AAT images of the Lagoon Nebula M8

m8ua.gif Blue light image of the Hourglass Nebula

A blue-light CCD image of the innermost part of the Lagoon Nebula, also known as the Hourglass. Data by Bill Keel from the Lowell Observatory 1.1-meter telescope.

From Bill Keel's Messier Picture Gallery at the University of Alabama.

Unusually detailed images of M8 features: HST images of the Hourglass Nebula in M8

GCO images of M8 More images of M8 Amateur images of M8, more amateur images M8 images by Brad Wallis and Robert Provin M8 images by Andjelko Glivar More images of M8 and M20

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Last Modification: 19 Apr 1998, 16:45 MET