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The cower­up
Archives top­secret in Moscow
but also the CIA hide the truth

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From daily LA STAMPA of February 10, 1993
UFO ­ The cower­up in Moscow

The revelations of the director Mario Gariazzo that is preparing a film­verity from the title "The cower­up"
Archives top­secret in Moscow, but also the CIA hide the truth.
Franco Nero main part is a Soviet officer.

ROME. It is of the other day the news that in Russia have been discovered secret dossier on the flying disks. We come as to know that in the 1965 to Hanoi the Soviet anti­aircraft has done fire against an Ufo that would have answered to the cannonade with a bright ray arousing 200 deceased. It seems science fiction. We speak any with the director Mario Gariazzo that is preparing a film­verity on the Ufo from the title «the cower­up» with Franco Nero main part in the role of an ex agent of the KGB, the major Jurij Leonov. The film dont show carriers interplanetary but it wants to eviscerate the plot of the super power for hide the truth of the phenomenons to the public opinion, warmly worried for a contingent, possible attack to the Earth. The film will come realized in the United States and in Russia, Aldo and Daniele Ricci of Italy Films Production and of the Ital Service Video.

Tells Gariazzo:
«I Think have arrived at the moment of break the wall of conspiracy of silence on the question. It encourages me the election of the president Bill Clinton, a new voice from America. Who knows that he doesn't want to be heself or allow to other of reveal as had promised electoral Jimmy Carter that then told in the country: "If I will become President I will do know the Ufo to the world. There are quintals of material liable secret in the national archives that the public must know. We must not close the eyes also if the reality is bewildering". But then he didn't do anything of it. Why?»

Mario Gariazzo is a bottom connoisseur of the matter having been part of most important committee of investigation on the Ufo that is the NICAP of Washington, the «National Investigation Committee on Aereal Phenomena» that for many years has collaborated actively with the CIA. Gariazzo has come in possession of documents that would seem important, beyond that stricly confidential.

«It is real ­ he tells ­ in fact all bring again the following label: "Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is prohibited except with the permission of the office of origin". Know you that for impose the cower­up on the matter, the responsible authorities have not hesitated to gerrymander some data and they have forced to "strange suicides" many persons that had taken an interest in to the problem too much nearby».

But now in Russia seems emerge the truth.

«In Moscow in Lubianka street 6 is located the whole of the secret services. To the fourth floor exists the organism of the ex KGB and it is here that there is the head­offices of the the KRU, that is the "Kontr Razvedochnoe Upravlenye", that it is the organism for the protection of the secret military. Here have safeguarded the dossiers on the Ufo also. Material enormous that I in part have could consult».

And from these dossier has taken starting point for his film?

«Not only. I possess also a documentation Usa. In conclusion, I have picked up a considerable bulk of data. I wanted do a journalistic world inquest. Then I have decided for the film. Not of science­fiction but of spying, in which is documented that the governments of the world hide the truth on the flying disks».

And do they hide the truth on the extraterrestrials also? It is truth that they has been bagged alienate?

«Certain. I have had the capability of see an alien in a cell freezing to Dayton in the Ohio. You must know that in the summer of the 1949 came effected a nuclear experiment to Atrec, in New Mexico. A flying disk for the burst came attracted to earth. It didn't have openings: compact and solid like a coin. After have us trafficked for weeks the experts succeeded to open it and they found inside six dead body. Here the testimony of the professor university Spencer Carr that depicts one of the extraterrestrials: "Apparent age of 30 years, perfect set of teeth, chromosome and human blood". But in the dissect the cranial canopy it is been discovered that the brain didn't coincide to the age, but to that of a man of 400, 500 years».

Depict that you have seen.

«Not a monster, but a being structured like a human. Nude, of male sex. A creature of around 90 centimeters, of olive color. But in report to the body with arms and legs thinner than the our. Big eyes and features mongolians».

Doesn't you fear of come advised a visionary?

«Is it why never? my work, my seriousness testifies the contrary. If I tell that I know many things on the flying disks and if I realize us a film­verity, tell that I possess an ample documentation. There are many scientists that they know the existence of the disks and they have declared it».

Could you do any name?

«Any? In tens. One for all, the professor Colman Vonkeviczky, that he was secretary of U­Thant to the ONU, that in the 1967 declared: "we accuse the plots of the governments in relation to this serious problem that involves the international security. The scientific question of the Ufo behind which the governments are entrenched is used for hide the preparation of a spatial war"».

Then are the extraterrestrials about to invade the Earth?

«Why otherwise this confederacy of the silence around to the phenomenon of the flying disks? È It It is time gets ready to big event, to the meeting with very distant creatures from us either in the time that in the space».

Nevio Boni

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