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GusTown: PostOffice

Welcome to the GusTown Post Office. You can write a letter to your favorite CyberBud by clicking on the Post Office Box with their name. Send off a blurb to Gus, Rom, Rae, Rant or Rave.

CyberBud Fact!

Before there were airplanes and trucks that delivered the mail there was the "Pony Express". Founded in 1858 by John Butterfield, the first Pony Express were stagecoaches that ran from St. Louis, MO to San Fracisco, CA in just 24 days. These guys would carry up to 750 pounds of mail! Later, single Pony Express riders regularly traveled over a central route, 2000 miles between St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA in just 10 days! Those guys weren't horsing around!

Did you know?

The ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) code was started in 1963. People started using a 5 digit number at the end of the address when they mailed letters. The first 3 numbers stands for which part of the country your in, and the last two numbers stand for which post office. Big cities have many, many post offices.

The largest postal system in the world is the United States Postal Service. With over 780,000 people working for them, they handle about half of all the mail in the world.

To find out more, click here for the history of the United States Postal Service.

Has it been a while since you dropped a line to a friend? Why don't you send your best Bud a special CyberBud Greeting Card? Just click on the rack of cards and choose from one of four stellar designs. You will need a printer hooked up to your computer to print these cards.

Check back soon for 4 new Spring CyberBud Greeting Cards!

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