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June 16, 1998

The Isle has a new award! All the faeries of the Isle send thanks to Faith the Faerie Queen, be sure to visit her site!

Also did some minor facelifts on the main page, and added a couple of new links to faerielands in Other Realms. More updates are on the way as soon as time allows, so stay tuned!

May 31, 1998

There are a few more residents on the Isle, in the form of additions to the Faerie Folk section. Other entries have been slightly enlarged to include additional info. Because it was growing longer it has been split into two areas, folk a-k and l-z.

May 15, 1998

Lots of activity at the isle after nearly a month of contemplating the possibilities! First, the entry page was simplified, the image previously in place was so large it took quite a bit of time to load, hopefully things will be speeded up now.

A revision to the Faerie Images main page, as well as 10 new images! I've put the newest additions on the first few pages, and rotated some of the previous images to the rear.

April 18, 1998

Added a site index, from which any page can be accessed. As the Isle expands I'm hoping this will make navigation a little easier, at the moment it provides a nice overview of all the pages in this site.

I've had several requests for a gallery, but until the Isle drifted into a new home I had no space to add images. So now by popular request I've added a faerie image gallery! I hope you enjoy it.

April 8, 1998

Two new stories added to the Faerie Stories area, "The Soul Cages" and "The Fairies Dancing Place"

Credits area updated with new sources and given a slight face lift..

Thanks for visiting!

The Faerie Isle Home A Miscellany of Faerie Lore The Folk of Faerie Faerie Stories Links to Other Realms The Faerie GalleriesFollowing a ring? Find it here!Credits and further reading

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