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The Faerie Isle

Welcome to the Faerie Isle,
a place of magic where time passes swiftly

Those who dance in a faerie ring may think they have spent only a few hours among the fae, but return to their homes to find that years have passed and all they knew is long gone. Others may believe they have lived among the fae for a year only to learn that they were gone no more than a few moments...

There are many inhabitants in the realm of faerie. They live just beyond our sight, though we might catch a glimpse of them if we believe. Follow the trail of faerie dust to visit some of the folk of faerie, stroll through the archives to learn some of the faerie lore and legends, tour the gallery, or transport yourself to another realm by magic...

What's New? - the latest events at the Isle

Faerie Folk - the people of Faerie

Faerie Miscellany- a variety of faerie lore

Faerie Stories- tales of the faerie folk

Faerie Images- a gallery of faerie art

Credits - sources and further reading

Web Rings -following a web ring? You'll find it here!

Add your name to the Scroll of visitors, or View what others have written.

A royal award! Thank you Faerie Queen! Follow me and learn how to Save the Faeries! Thank you Gloriana for this beautiful award!

A Miscellany of Faerie Lore The Folk of Faerie Faerie Stories  The Faerie Galleries Web Rings Updates at the Isle! Credits and further reading

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