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H i s t o r y

Over forty years of experimentation with this unusual art form has led to its present high degree of excellence. Floral radiographs literally provide one with a third eye with which to see and appreciate the beauty in the secret garden of flowers.

My floral radiographs were first published in 1962 in the National Geographic Society's School Bulletin. Since then they have appeared in many books and magazines around the world. The October 1986 issue of the Smithsonian Magazine displayed my floral radiographs on the front cover plus five additional interior pages. 2,400,000 copies of that issue were printed and no back copies are available today.

In 1990, the editor of the Smithsonian Magazine published a book, Editor's Choice - Smithsonian. From the over 2000 articles that have appeared in the past 240 issues of the magazine, the editor chose 37 articles he liked the best to include in his book, and mine was one of them. He wrote, "One remarkable set of photographs simply turned up in our mail. Albert G. Richards, a teacher of dental radiography, had focused his x-ray machine not on teeth, but on blossoms, thus revealing the startling inner beauty of familiar flowers."

In 1990, I published a book of my 2-D images called, The Secret Garden - 100 Floral Radiographs .

In 1997, the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), issued a new greeting card which bears my floral radiograph of a Rose.

For the past 25 years I have also been making the world's first stereo floral radiographs. Please take a look at the 3-D lily.

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