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HotWired: World 
Beat - Deductible Junkets

3-8 Dec  San Diego, 

Supercomputing '95

Faster than a speeding bit, stronger than an Onyx, it's Supercomputing '95 - the annual conference on high-performance computing, focusing on experimental networking. Attendees can participate in the I-WAY '95, an ATM network linking dozens of supercomputers and advanced visualization environments around the country. Registration: technical program US$460 until 3 November ($535 after), $100 for students; tutorials extra. Contact: (800) 644 7295, +1 (619) 534 5039, sc95@sdsc.edu.
Headed to San Diego?

4-6 Dec San 
Francisco, California


Billed as the "first working summit for top Web content creators and application developers," WebINNOVATION will feature discussions about development tools and differentiation of Web content. Sponsored by industry bigwigs such as Macromedia, Adobe, BBN Planet, Informix Software, Progressive Networks, Netscape and Silicon Graphics, Inc., with Marc Andreessen as the keynote speaker. Registration: US$895 before 13 November ($995 after). Contact: +1 (415) 391 1423, fax +1 (714) 489 8752, confinfo@aol.com.
11-14 Dec  Boston, 

Fourth International World Wide Web Conference

This wide world of Webbing event, titled "The Web Revolution," covers tools and browsers, the evolution of protocols and standards, commercial applications, intelligent searches, and more. Remember - there's no place like your homepage. Registration: US$495 until 30 October ($595 after). Contact: www4-help@w3.org.
11-15 Dec  New 
Orleans, Louisiana

Eleventh Annual Computer Security Applications Conference

The phenomenal growth of the Internet has made computer security the hot topic du jour. This conference will address the digital jambalaya of information policy and privacy standards. Technical papers, panels, and vendor presentations will address civil, defense, and commercial security issues. Registration: US$385 until 15 November ($425 after), students $150. Contact: +1 (205) 890 3323, fax +1 (205) 830 2608, vreed@mitre.org.
13-15 Dec  San Diego, 


Pronounced "vermul," it stands for Virtual Reality Modeling Language. This first-time event will cover the future of VRML, which has quickly become the standard format for browsing 3-D environments on the Web. Registration: US$225. Contact: +1 (619) 534 5107, smartc@sdsc.edu.
Headed to San Diego?
3-6 Jan  Waimea, 

Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing

There will be more molecular models than mai tais at this Hawaiian hobnob of biologists and computer scientists. The symposium offers tracks on interactive molecular visualization, the evolution of biomolecular structures, and stochastic models and other systems for biosequences. Registration: US$475. Contact: +1 (619) 658 9782, psb@intsim.com.


T H R E A D S : 2 topics, 7 links.

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