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To get to Club Wired, you need to have a telnet application (and may need to make sure your browser is configured properly to use telnet). If you do not have a telnet application, you can find one in our toolkit. To enter Club Wired you can either just click the link where it says "Enter Club Wired" or telnet directly to chat.hotwired.com, port 2428, making sure to enter your member name in lowercase letters.

Once you enter Club Wired, you will probably want to say things to people. There are 99 channels. All you need to do is type whatever you want to say, and everyone in your channel will see it.


At the prompt, alice, whose current handle is Bossy, types

Hello, everyone!

Everyone in her channel sees

alice/Bossy: Hello, everyone!

Inside Club Wired, online help is available at any time. Just type


from any prompt.

This will list the following basic commands:

Change to another channel.
Post a question to the moderator.
Send a private message.
Change your handle to something else.
See who is currently logged in.
See a list of the advanced commands.
Quit Club Wired.

These commands are case-sensitive; /M invokes a different function than /m.

To be able to listen to and ask questions of a guest speaker, you need to be in Channel 2, the Amphitheater, or Channel 3, Cafe Wired. Questions for a guest speaker are posted to a moderator. She or he then selects which questions to pass on to the speaker. To submit your question, type /M followed by your question. This sends your question to the moderator only; no one else will see your question unless the moderator posts it.

Additional instructions

Advanced commands:

See who's on your current channel.
Inquire about a specific user.
Inquire about your own stats.
Toggle monitoring of the amphitheater.
Display current HotWired local time.
Squelch a user who is bothering you.
Make yourself invisible to such a user.
Name an unnamed channel.
Unname a named channel (except our permanent channels).
List the last several users.
Set your screen width.
Change the character you use to indicate a new line.
Turn new lines on or off (see /u).
Send another message to the person you last /p-ed.
Send a message to the last person who /p-ed you.
Beep someone (i.e., make someone's terminal beep).
Toggle whether you allow people to beep you.
Version information.
Change how messages look on your terminal.

If you have further questions, ask online. You're sure to find some helpful people there.


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