FFI Commandant Gallois - Chief of Staff of
Colonel Rol.
laissez-passer - This has the same meaning as in English, literally ``let pass''.
General von Choltitz
gave a laissez-passer to
R. Nordling,
so that he could pass
through German lines on a mission to the Allies.
Pierre Laval - Maréchal Pétain's Prime Minister.
Alexander Parodi -
de Gaulle's
personal representative in Paris.
Maréchal Pétain - French Hero of World War I, Maréchal Pétain was the president of
the collaborationist Vichy regime. Condemned to death in 1945, his sentence
was commuted to life in prison. He died on an island off the coast of France.
Radio-Paris - The Vichy radio station in Paris.
Vichy - This was the capitol of the French collaborationist regime. Germany occupied
most of northern France, while Vichy administered the south.
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Updated 08/94