- I stand corrected. The next speaker is the MP Manfred Richter.
Manfred Richter (Bremerhaven) (F.D.P.)(greeted with applause from the the members of his parliamentiary group):
However: The controversy around the Reichstag project need not frighten us, because in the controversial discussion about this project, even more of the character of the structure is made distinct, the way it, in my opinion, will more reveals than hide through the wrapping. Christo reduces forms to large lines, structures into fundamental bodies. Transformation is his stylistic material. The projects which he has made in the past - whether the wrapped Pont Neuf, whether the Running Fence - all together were spectacular, all triggered wide discussions and had much attention. The newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" wrote: Christo changes silhouettes of buildiings or landscapes. The trace of his past, the art, fertilized by imagination, reaches virtually around the globe.
The controversial views are thus not the object of our decision. The considerations which go beyond this question concern the place of the event. Can one allow such a symbol, the place in which German parliamentary history with its highs and lows is particularly, evidently impressive, can one allow this building to be wrapped without robbing it of its dignity, its historic meaning? , I certainly believe that one can do that.
Ladies and gentlemen, nothing will be done to the building. It remains what it is. The Reichstag will be wrapped in its present from - by the way shortly before others, namely constuction workers, place scaffolding around it and probably - even though this will be optically less efective - hang tarpaulins on it.
That will be then, ladies and gentlemen, when the Reichstag will be transformed into a large construction site, which will be the case very soon after the wrapping by Christo. Many of those who comment especially critically on Christo's project do not seem to sense the contradiction in their views, because I have not heard any critical vote against the reconstruction, against the transformation of a historical place into a large construction site.
It is also astonishing for me, ladies and gentlemen, that many of those who commemt especially critically on the wrapping had altogether no problem permitting the installation of an artistic replica of the city castle in the Berlin inner city.
And it is also not true that Christo would handle a historical place somewhat recklessly. Those who have spoken with him know that he is very aware of the meaning of this location, that he has considered the tragedy of this structure which is dedicated to the German people and thet he will handle the building sensitively.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Reichstag building has indeed earned respect. This great symbol of German history will be accentuated by Christo's project; it will be an object of special reflection and analysis for a large number of people. Many people, probably millions will probably find their way to Berlin, to the capital of Germany just as in its time, millions went to Paris to see the wrapped Pont Neuf Neuf. This is how the interest of the world will be shifted to the Reichstag and the capital of Germany.
And even if one were to allege misgivings with respect of the art's character - which I do not do - then this would be reason enough not to refuse endorsement of this project.
Ladies and gentlemen, the project does not cost the taxpayer one penny. It is true that Christo carries out very effective marketing. That is why he can dispense with public monies. To still want to use this as a reproach against him seems to me however quite wrong.
Public money is not necessary, conscientious usage, recycling with the material used is assured, the material will be manufactured in the new federal states.
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe this project is a great chance for Germany, particularly for Berlin, but also for the German Parliament, which has the ability to now raise its future place of deliberation to the center of public interest. In addition, the chance exists to call attention to the future role of this building on the occasion of the wrapping. I would like to like ask for support for this motion.