Carol Wang's Home Page
This page under construction.
This page describes my computer graphics research interests. My consulting, resume,
hobbies, and personal information are on different pages.
My accounts have been moving around quite a bit and everything is
backed up on tape, so my files are not as they should be.
Consequently, a lot of what should be here I'm going to send you to
other people's web pages to find.
Facial Animation
My Masters thesis
at the University of
Calgary was on facial
animation with hierarchical
splines and simulated muscles. Hierarchical
B-Splines are the work of David Forsey,
who is a professor at UBC in the
Imager Lab.
A few of the animations
I used to illustrate this work are available as a series of SGI RGB
files. When I get the disk space and the time I will convert them
into mpegs.
Provine extended my system to do some speech animation.
"Langwidere: A New Facial Animation System" In Proceedings of Computer Animation 1994, pages 59-68, Geneva, Switzerland, May 25-28, 1994.
A Hierarchical Spline Based Facial Animation System with Simulated
Muscles Master's thesis, University of Calgary, October
Want a Rock!" In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Western
Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 38-40, Silver Star Mountain,
Vernon, BC, March 28-30, 1993.
Heads: Developing Pull" In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual
Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 114-119, Silver Star
Mountain, Vernon, BC, March 28-30, 1993.
Trends in Facial Animation, or Langwidere: Not Just Another
Witch." In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Western Computer
Graphics Symposium, pages 103-108, Sunshine Village, Banff, AB,
April 6-8 1992.
Facial Gestures and Synthesized Speech in Human Character
Animation." In Proceedings of the Third Annual Western
Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 39-40, Silver Star Resort,
Vernon, BC, April 8-10 1991.
One of my other obsessions are rocks, crystals and minerals.
I've cobbled together a small program to test some personal theories
on crystal growth/formation and then used Rayshade to generate a few
pictures. These are some of the ones I was most pleased with:
- This was one of my first attempts, and is
not actually supposed to be anything in particular.
- This was my test object to see how much of a difference
the index of refraction made. Whether there would be an actual
visible difference between halite (salt) and ice (there is, cool, eh?
- Increasing the number of iterations on my program
produced a more complicated object, and since making it transparent
would have taken forever to raytrace, I went for galena 8).
- While cubes and octahedra are fun, there are many more
shapes to explore. An easy one was spheres and the first mineral that
sprung to mind was hematite (ok, so it's reflection index is too high,
sue me! 8)
- A picture that I've been working on, off and on since I
started undergrad. If you've read the fine book After Long
Silence (also known as The Enigma Score) by Sherri
S. Tepper
(and if you haven't go do it now!! 8), you might recognize the image.
It is still far from done (trees really should not throw shadows on
the sky 8), but I'll keep ya posted. 8)
Last Modified:Monday, 07-Aug-95 12:43:24 MDT
Page accessed at local time: Tuesday, 08-Aug-95 10:46:38 MDT