Carol Wang



Apple Macintosh, DEC Alpha, IBM compatible PCs, IBM mainframes, IBM workstations, Silicon Graphics, NeXT, SUN, VAX 7xx
Other Hardware:
Audio systems, CD-Rom, Film Recorders, Motion Capture Devices, Nonlinear Video Editing, Optical Scanners, 3D Input Devices, Video Capture, Video Recorders, most data storage devices and printers
Operating Systems:
Apple A/UX, IBM, AIX, IRIX, Mac Finder, MS DOS, Multics, MVS/TSO, NextStep, Plato, SunOS, UNIX, VAX VMS, VM/CMS, Windows, Windows NT
APL, BASIC, C, C++, Forth, FORTRAN, HyperTalk, Icon, Lisp, Pascal, Perl, PL/1, Prolog, Visual Basic, Visual C++, and various assemblers
DBase III, DBase IV, Faircom, Paradox, Paradox Engine
Graphics Applications:
GL, Inventor, Open GL, Rayshade, RenderMan, Prisms
Math Applications:
GNU Calc, GNUplot, Maple, Mathematica, SAS
Mac Applications:
Alpha, Adobe Illustrator, Apple File Exchange Excel, HyperCard, Kermit, MacDraw, MacPaint, MacWrite, Pagemaker, PhotoShop, PowerPoint, SuperPaint, Word and many more
PC Applications:
Corel Draw, CrossTalk, Excel, Harvard Graphics, Lotus 123, PageMaker, WordPerfect, and many more
Unix Applications:
AMS LaTeX, dbx, GNU emacs, gdb, LaTeX, RCS, Showcase, telnet, vi, and many more
Internet Applications:
ftp, gopher, HTML, Lynx, NCSA Mosaic, Netscape, w3
Other Skills:
Animation, Conversational Mandarin, Drivers License


1994 - SIGGRAPH Motion Capture Course
1994 - University of Calgary - Master of Science Computer Animation
1990 - University of Regina - Bachelor of Science, Honours Co-op combined degree in Computer Science and Mathematics
1994 - Quickdraw Animation Society Intermediate Adult Animation
1993 - Quickdraw Animation Society Beginner Adult Animation


"Langwidere: A New Facial Animation System" In Proceedings of Computer Animation 1994, pages 59-68, Geneva, Switzerland, May 25-28, 1994.

Langwidere: A Hierarchical Spline Based Facial Animation System with Simulated Muscles Master's thesis, University of Calgary, October 1993.

"We Want a Rock!" In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 38-40, Silver Star Mountain, Vernon, BC, March 28-30, 1993.

"Talking Heads: Developing Pull" In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 114-119, Silver Star Mountain, Vernon, BC, March 28-30, 1993.

"Current Trends in Facial Animation, or Langwidere: Not Just Another Witch." In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 103-108, Sunshine Village, Banff, AB, April 6-8 1992.

"Automating Facial Gestures and Synthesized Speech in Human Character Animation." In Proceedings of the Third Annual Western Computer Graphics Symposium, pages 39-40, Silver Star Resort, Vernon, BC, April 8-10 1991.

Multimedia Publications and Exhibits

"Evolution of the Long-Tailed Bird" with sound by Stephen Hansen Smythe.
A short film illustrating the development of the Chinese character for bird from an image to the modern ideograph.
"Knot on a Table" with Brian Wyvill. The Visual Computer, 7(2-3):Cover illustration, May 1991.

Work Experience:

1993-Present Consultant Pacific Rim Communications. Calgary, AB
Installed httpd on various machines, generated HTML documents and CGI scripts. Used Visual Basic to write a real estate listing and image dialup database, and a yellow pages information server. Used Visual Basic for DOS to translate a inventory tracking system.
1994-1995 Programmer Side Effects Software Inc. Toronto, ON
Used C++ to write modules for a computer animation system, including motion capture, character animation, and sound editing.
1989-1993 Consultant Symbiosis Computer Services. Calgary, AB
Worked on a Windows-based image archiving project using Visual Basic and ObjectVision which included data capture, image processing and image compression. Created five custom accounting packages using the Paradox Application Language, and C with the Faircom database development toolkit.

Co-op Work Experience:

1988 Summer Programmer Bell-Northern Research Ottawa, ON
Worked on a Macintosh (Plus, SE, II) and an IBM-AT clone to create a telecommunications specific language preprocessor for a simulated telephone environment.
1988 Winter Programmer Bell-Northern Research Ottawa, ON
Used XPM PASCAL and the Problem report Library System to resolve Problem Reports for the XPM Performance Department. All solutions were tested in a Captive Office environment.
1987 Summer Programmer The Canadian Wheat Board Winnipeg, MB
Wrote a PL/1 application to link separate word processing and electronic mailing systems. The Atlas Graphics mapping package was studied for possible applications at the Canadian Wheat Board.
1986 Fall Programmer Shell Canada Limited Calgary, AB
Wrote a VAX BASIC database file format conversion application. The DEC Command Language was used to produce command files for a code management system.
1986 Winter Co-op Student Bell-Northern Research Toronto, ON
Maintained the Problem Report database during a testing phase of the Meridian system.

Teaching Experience

1990-1992 Teaching Assistant University of Calgary
Taught labs and marked assignments for Introduction to Computers for non-majors, including word processing, spreadsheet, database, and Pascal programming skills. Introduction to Computer Science, and Techniques for Numerical Computation.
1986-1987 Marker University of Regina
Marked assignments for Matriculation Geometry and Trigonometry, Precalculus Mathematics, Introductory Calculus, and Calculus II.

Volunteer Work Experience:

1990-1991 Director Univ. of Calgary Chinese Student's Society
Maintained most external text correspondence for the Society. Ticket clerk and crowd control at dances. Part time office manager.
1990 Summer Instructor Shad Valley Program for Gifted Students
Taught basic computer graphics concepts. Supervised the production of a computer animation.

Activities and Interests

I am a member of the Association for Computing Machinery. I enjoy reading, animation, handcrafts, drawing, simulation gaming, and martial arts.


Last Modified:Thursday, 27-Jul-95 15:35:44 MDT
Page accessed at local time: Tuesday, 08-Aug-95 17:53:45 MDT